Why should whites participate in a world that wants them dead?

honest q.

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Buy land and have kids.

Exactly, so get off the internet and live your life.

We shouldn't.

You don't have to involve anyone in your life.

Tell the smiling nigger, of all colours, Fuck you, for trying to reach his hand into your pocket.

They should conquer it instead.

Exactly, I say we let the jews and subhumans keep incarnating here forever to their endless torment while we transcend this metaphysical farm and go elsewhere.

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we took some beatings the past few decades that is for sure. It doesn't mean that people cannot be redpilled and converted. Also the ones that push it are not immortal eventually old age will hit them.

serious case of deja vu here.

What kind of a question is that? I'm not a pussy, so how's that for an answer.

Came here to post this

Whites should...
-Find a White partner.
-Get married.
-Gain wealth.
-Have three kids.
-Avoid non-whites.
-Help other Whites.
-Form pro-White organizations.

It's our duty to improve things. We have no coice, sadly.

How do you participate in war?

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>-Have three kids.
Rookie numbers

you faggots are retarded as fuck and 100% part of the problem.



thats the secret. Go out far enough, find a piece that you like and settle. Do not pay taxes and do not make purchases that make NIGGERS AND JEWS wealthy. Do not even take part in society. Just go north or south or wherever the fuck and live your life. White people don't ask, they conquer.

By all means... have more.

Because we need the milk from you cattle

britcunts are the perfect mix between nordcucks and meds

detach. stop legitimizing the system

They should burn it down.

>Bro just get high paying job bro, just buy land and be self sustaining while not having to maintain a full time job because your stock portfolio nets 7 figures a year Bro. Just marry a 10/10 virgin trad girl and have 7 blue eyed children dude bro. Just go to the gym bro and be a 6'4" Chad who is also cultured and masterfully socialized, with a perfectly sculptured face, it's not that complicated man.

This how I feel about climate change. Why would I give a fuck if Whites are supposedly dying off.

>surgical tubing
>in Mad Max world
Lol, no.

Seriously, top white men should be working on a device to instantly kills all whites, shields them from metaphysical/spiritual entities in the aftermath of their death. Afterwards all that's left for the remained of subhumanity is an endless gnashing of teeth and misery. I couldn't think of a worse fate for jews and subhumans then to be trapped in a world like this without the ability to understand what it is and how to escape it.

It's either that or kill everyone who isn't white so that things can start to actually be improved.

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Your question is legit and the answer is they shouldn't, the only thing whites need to do rn is play roblox