A weeb told me this

A weeb told me this

>Japanese people are not ch*nese, they are Jomon and Jomons are a long-lost branch of the Anglo-Saxon race, so Japanese people are White and it isn't race mixing.

Is this true?

Attached: 1643937473561.png (1984x997, 2.53M)

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>a weeb told me WE WUZ
>Is this true?


It's true, denisovans are the chink species precurose, jews and arabs are neanderthals, israelites/anglo-saxons are cro-magnon, and nigger monkeys are homo erecti gorillas.

Japanese are like 70% Han Chinese. Jomon/Yayoi is only 30% of their DNA.


Then why can we grow body hair???

Chinese can do it too.

Attached: dzvt1qsxhlc61.jpg (2448x3264, 715.4K)

Dry earwax wtf

Who cares, they all look the same to me. Mongols and Yakutians are the real Masterraces of Eastern Asia. Rice farmers are subhuman

I've got it and lactose intolerance.

Island gooks are still gooks

Jomon are basically SEA stock you retard. Hence darker, shorter, hairier, bigger eyes. They resemble more Hawaiians/pacific islanders than they do Caucasians.

The ainu are probably the descendants of asian and white Siberians, and they don't make up Japanese DNA as much as the Jomon do.

they were probably Austronesian, related to the aboriginals of Taiwan, the Mauri, the Hawaiians etc.

The mongols are closer to the Jomon than anything else.

I'm Japanese and I get mistaken for Arab sometimes. But I am Yayoi. Phenotype essentialism is low IQ snow nigger shit

They all look the same to me and I wonder if they all think the same too

That's what Denisovan means, yeah.

Is picrel single or monolid? I find single more sexy than the cute monolid pheno

Attached: Jung_Ho_Yeon_630_630.jpg (630x427, 17.68K)


Another pic

Attached: MV5BZmQ5NDk1ZDAtNGRlOC00ODc5LWFlYzQtOTc1MjI4ZGM2MzYzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzQ0NTk5NzU@._V1_UY1200_CR85,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg (630x1200, 54.04K)

You have a sickness it's called yellow fever. Most japs have slant eyes nit picking a few wide eyed japs doesn't change anything.

This. As if anything venturing outside of bottom of the barrel gooky face must mean that the phenotype must have come from elsewhere.

>have a k-friend who's the hairiest person I've ever met let alone east asian.

Do you look like Hiro/Gookmoot?

Modern japs are mostly gooks. Some of them are muttoids. Very few of them are jomon

Jomons were replaced back then. Picrel. Original japanese

Attached: Ainu.jpg (635x1000, 146.66K)

Jomon are more closely related to Dravidians than Anglos

This just another "japs are white" thread.

If you want to fuck japs go ahead, but stop trying to call them white.

here's a bunch of monolids for you

Attached: 1643799761291.jpg (1936x1296, 551.69K)

Nobody knows how jomon looked like. They might of even looked like native americans. Ainu aren't neccesarilly jomon people.

My dad looks jomon but we're normal white people supposedly from wales/south england and my mother's side was dutch. We both have B blood type and B blood type is more asiatic than european - the russians have it more and the japanese also have it - roughly 30% are B. I think B blood type came from the steppes/siberian ranging people. It's also highly prevalent in India.

I ain't gay or nuthin but that guy right in the middle is a good looking man.

No Mongols are closer to surrounding Tuvans/Khakas/Buryats than anything else. Jomon are Southeast Asian. Quit making shit up and take your meds.

Whew. Are these japanese? So is the girl i posted mono or not

>no normal japanese gf

She's monolid. I think monolids are sexy.

no Denisovan is a prehuman homonid, that has the same relationship to many of these peoples as we do to nethanderals. unless there is another meaning I am unaware of.

we need to segregate populations based on the moisture content of their ear wax.

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Wrong Ainu were genetically close to Native American ancestors. They are just Native Americans mixed with East Asians from China/Korea.


What is your obsession with making japs, gooks and chinks wide eyed? If you want wide eyed women go to Europe.

Hans, this face type is the Jomon cousin

Attached: eurojomon.jpg (4229x2209, 912.05K)

all asian races have raped and been raped by their neighbors and regional rivals so much, it doesn't matter what they descended from
one drop rule

I'm dry. Easy to clean and don't smell at alln

>lactose intolerance

Are you sure? I dont see two lids here

Attached: d41e5a2a6e18f24c48799cfcbfbae98e.jpg (1080x1080, 96.59K)

She has inner-double eyelids. Not pure monolids or double eyelids but something in between basically.

But that's wrong nigger
They're all prehuman outside of Anglo-Saxon Cro-Magnons.

how do you know these white looking nips don't have some white grandparent somewhere?

but is his ear wax wet?

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no the jomon were literally killed off by chinks…the ancient aryans subjugated the jomons and built a couple monuments and then got demographically replaced and they’re culture destroyed

Asians also have it. I can't tolerate alcohol well either. It's kinda sad.

Sounds like another CHINK COPING MECHANISM to quell their massive inferiority complex and high standard of the white race.

Seriously, Slopes act like their a bitch below whites, when they’re so subhuman that’s they are slightly above Aliens, Oompa-Loompas or CHUDS.

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>Anglo-Saxon Cro-Magnons.
Anglo-Saxon isn't a race. They are mutts. Englishmen are 60% Celtic, 10% Anglo(Germanic/Nordic), 24-29% Saxon(Same as Anglo), 1-6% Neolithic Briton.

All asians except indians are white, and that's a good thing.

>Pakis and Phillipinos

All of them are white.

I don't dignify turkroach JIDF amogus with analyses.

Pakis are obviously not asian, and not white. Phillipinos are in large part spanish so white but the darkest ones.

They also have the Ainu people. There used to be agencies to screen your future spouse to make sure they didn't have this background. (This was in the 80's). One euphemistic expression in reference to Ainu was "yotsu", meaning 4. Animal walks on 4 legs, not 2. That's the reference.