Why do southerners deny their Anglo roots?

Why do southerners and Appalachian folk larp as gaelic celts when in reality they're the most pure anglo saxons in the United States? The "Scots Irish" are literally just northern English reivers who moved to northern ireland, fought the gaels there and then moved to the Appalachians. Andrew Jackson was a yorkshireman yet americans will refer to him as Irish. Southerners will deny their roots in the gaelic fighting northern English and lowland Scots and instead larp as the very people their own ancestors fought against.

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Most Southerners don't care about their old world heritage, they've lived here so long it's their homeland now

Redpill whites using this propaganda resource

They're scottish people mostly. If you really consider that "anglo". Scots are known to be quite portly

Southern,specifically Appalachian culture is literally just rural norf fc culture. Violent and clannish nature, hatred of police and authority, etc. This is a contrast to the gaelic culture of the northeast with its huge Irish ancestry who joined the police in huge numbers (where do you think the term paddy wagon came from)
The civil war was a norf fc vs South fc conflict but inverted so South of England became North of America and vice versa

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>why don't southerns want to be known as anglos
hmmmm idk man it's a mystery

Most people claim Scotch Irish in the south or English or American you dumb faggot

>Why do southerners and Appalachian folk larp as gaelic celts when in reality they're the most pure anglo saxons in the United States?
The South had French, Spanish, English, Scottish, Irish, and Germans settle there, so pretending they're pure "Anglo Saxon" is just a LARP. Besides, a Southerner is literally the only White culture in America. They're loyal to the region, not to some foreign hell.

They're northern Englishmen and lowland Scots. These Scots were the ones who crushed the jacobite rebellions and hated highlanders so if you think they have ANYTHING in common with the gaelic speaking kilt wearing whisky drinkers of the Highlands then you are surely mistaken

The term scotch Irish is an oxymoron because it completely ignores the northern English who made up over half the proportion of the so called Scots Irish

Scots aren't Anglo
even NORF is not truly Anglo, its a patchwork of celtic/brythonic remnants

As a Sanfransisco native who moved to alabama, i embrace my southern heritage

Appalachians are literally Gaelic/Norman mutts. It’s why they are the only white group in America that use the word pa, which is derived from the Norman word for father. They aren’t Anglo.
As for other Southerners, we probably claim Anglo heritage at a higher rate than the rest of America, apart from New England and Montana.
But like my paternal lineage isn’t Anglo anyways, so why would I go out my way to larp as one when I can just say I’m southern or American instead? I’d just look like a fool.

My family lines are from Scotland to South Carolina, to Alabama and Tennessee, and now Texas.

Yankees were sod-busting psalm singers. Southerners preferred to keep livestock. It was kikes that cursed Dixie with cotton.

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This is implying that english isnt the biggest demographic in the south, surpassing scots-irish anyway. Apart from in appalachia of course.

Yorkshire has the most anglo saxon dna in england and is definitely northern.

The Appalachians aren't gaelic in the slightest you dumb yankee. The people of the Appalachians descend from the vryy same people eho fought the gaels in the Highlands and who fought the gaels in Ireland. The folk of the Appalachians are natural enemies of the gaelic people

While the fact is, most southerners have english blood its up to them what they want to be. If they want to be just american, who is anyone to stop them?

Scots Irish literally is English. Its just northern English rather than Middle or Southern English but mutts like to group northern BVLLs in with cringe highlanders for some reason

Hannah Hauxwell they claim came from your end but she really was a Durham gal .
Here is video for Americans showing off a tough Durham girl.

Central Appalachians mostly identify as English or American on the census though.

Can confirm. The English wouldn't want us anyway.

who gives a shit, we are a bunch of spics now anyways

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