NYC Gold Cube

What's their endgame here?

Attached: 1613161438834.png (586x521, 367.29K)


It get's "stolen" and everyone involved gains insurance money

Insurance fraud.

test chimpouts

how big is it?
im about to indiana jones it with a copper cube

Redpill whites using this

Rubbing the poor goyim's face in it
Next level judaism

Attached: 1391049715137.jpg (1162x850, 364.55K)

Fake. A solid gold cube like that would cost Trillions.
It is paper mache with a thin veneer if it's only has 11.7 M worth of gold.

Just tunnel under it and carve out a chunk.

Showing us wealth thats seemingly within reach, but is actually impossible to obtain

this is the Iraq gold that they stole early on in the Axis of Evil wars



Clearly occult shit. We need geometry. Dimensions, Latitude, Longitude, etc. The usual autistic inputs.
Then we shall show you man made comedies behind your wildest horrors.


No accident that it's a cube. Ever consider why there'd be so much free space in the middle of one of the busiest and congested cities in the world? They say there's a DUMB underneath the park..

The veneer is solid

I’d expect $11.5M worth of gold to be much smaller

That is obviously the Mind Stone.

It is, the story is real, but that picture isn't accurate

this is true, my whole house is made of veneer.

I'll head over with my vernier in the morning, retard

I need it

what if some muslim just suicide drives an exploding truck into it?

this is a lot smaller than i was expecting it to be. and the owner is emitting highly hebraic energy

Attached: cube.png (873x1223, 1.78M)

Rather, that camera angle makes it look bigger than it actually is

Attached: 46576456435.jpg (2000x1333, 2.31M)


Attached: 20220203_190554.jpg (600x600, 45.21K)

brb checking to see if the owner is "Lucky" Larry Silverstein

Oh ok, probably some aggressive angle lens bullshit that retards salivate over. They use similar tricks to try to make Biden look cool

Probably has something to do with some crypto scam

Give me 4 days

Attached: Lupin-the-Third-Part-5-03-09.jpg (1280x720, 73.58K)

Attached: 1fe.png (658x662, 59.37K)

Post apocalypse king of the hill location

couldn't thieves pretending to be cops just go over and heist it? after luring the security detail over and then just get a van over to it? I guess if the security deal is more than a couple of rentacops it'd probably be more difficult.

it doesn't look very big. works out to about 300lbs of gold at that price.


Attached: 322Attacks.png (949x814, 765.17K)

It does. It’s the final scam period full stop. I posted it already.

It’s the last ponzi and will end all other ponzis forever. Hope your ducks are in a row.

In Minecraft