What's your favorite Murdoch Murdoch episode?

For me it's:

Still brings a tear to my eye for some reason.

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fuck off kike

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Memba when Daily Stormer had over a million unique people coming through a month?

the one where they kill mlk jr.

of the shorter ones Metamorphosis
of the longer ones Guardian of the Rune

The one where truckers honk until globohomo is defeated

Ask not for whom the horn honks.
It honks for thee.

It's past its prime, but the site is still pretty funny. Anyway, it went down a few days ago, and that's the new address for people who don't want to use TOR because they aren't faggots. Listen here kids: if you like MM, you will like the DS. Favorite Episode is probably "Against Time," BTW.

I used to go on DS but stopped after CVille for some reason. I think it may've been movement faggotry or paranoia that the feds were monitoring the forum.
That's what I miss the most about DS. The forum.


>What's your favorite Murdoch Murdoch episode?

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Lot of people like metamorphosis for some reason

Because its one of the few episodes where you are "looking forward" in hope

Got to be 'Wanderer's Choice'. But 'Metamorphosis' is in a class by itself.

Are we going to be the same 10 people with the same 10 favorites? Prolly.

This. You know this would be worked into an episode, though it's hard to say how, since we don't know the outcome.

I bet, having done the show for 5.5 years, MM has fragments of story ideas floating around, and his brain works on putting them together when he's not looking.

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They're last episode was a masterpiece.


It wasn't a masterpiece. It was their swansong.

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Face the Strange

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The Cruel Fate of Kekistan doesn't get the attention that it deserves.

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Dr. Pierce Episode
God bless those three
I love them so much...No Homosexual/Jannies nor the jannies are allowed in God's Fourth Realm

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What's he getting at, with European unity? I mean they don't fight each other.
What's the difference between Murdoch's vision, and what we have, now? Not valuing themselves enough, I'd say. Letting in third worlders like it didn't spell their doom. Slaved to some ideal, that means their death. It's not so much unity, as /valuing/ themselves.

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To view the White Race as a collective entity and form a state to secure our continuance and prosperity.

Do you kids still watch the cartroons?

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You really need to know the lore on the that episode for it to make sense. If you don't remember Gamergate or the civnat push (and most of the zoomers here don't), then it just comes off as a condemnation of democracy in general.

The one where Murdoch shoots a black guy and then while driving him to a hospital
Slams on the brakes to avoid Terrorist Sam Hyde sending that Nigger flying through the window with a Swastika cape
keked my fuckin ass off

> perceive (Europeans as one - whites)
> then work to preserve it
They've got Jews all muddled up in their leadership though, and I can say, first hand, that even without Jews, petty nationalists remain petty (my example is Sweden - I communicate with a Swedish nationalist and once said something like 'white nationalist', and this person said, 'just nationalist' - I can't blame them, I'd be a purity spiraller too, if I could. But I am an Amerimutt - 'white' is as good as I can say for myself). But, /valuing/ themselves - that part could work, even with petty nationalism. It's Jews, for sure, but it's also, in Sweden's case, arrogance, or so Henrik of Red Ice said, once - Swedes feel like, that their country worked so well, that whatever they did, it wouldn't go wrong. Well. That was then.

We learn these lessons too late, always.

Nice Guy National Socialist

oh shit, yes, Wanderer's Choice. I mixed it up with Guardian of the Rune for some reason.