Alright retards, where is that promised war of yours?

I am waiting for an anarchy and lawfullness to arrive in order to make my revenge against my own personal enemies but instead my balls are getting more and more blue with each day. So, are u gonna suck me dry or not? What's with all the pacisifism lately, just false flag it, send the troops and rape that Shitkrainian bitch.

Attached: 083_1000.jpg (800x1000, 161.89K)

Resource to redpill whites:-

Any frens want chocomilk?


I hate blacks as much as the next guy.

Big saggy nigger tits.

you are waiting for what is not going to happen fren

how much chocolate milk can one black woman produce per day?

Jewtin and Zelensky are living way too comfy lives to start a real war.

Question for the genuine racists here (not the memers):

Do you consider the girl in OP attractive or not?

Oh man, you said it brother

Attached: 1633661592173.png (767x564, 426.9K)

post your brown nipples

I'm concerned you're not answering the question.

Yes please.

(goes into a trance)

In 10 years, that woman will have manface and she'll be able to tie her tits in a bow.

(collapses, exhausted)

Attached: nostrodamus_those_tits.jpg (620x886, 177.4K)

There was a chick like this where I worked and nobody wanted to bang her.

Because you are gay

I don't hate anyone for the color of the skin, that's completely out of their control.
Chocomilkers please

She looks Dominican, really. Probably has a line of hair from the middle of her back down to her ass. Not to mention she looks like she's waxed off a 'stache.

she looks east african because that's what she is

Wow Whoopi Goldberg is really trying to make everyone forget about her comments with that outfit on.