Xqc vs conservatards

XQC dabs on conservatards. Biggest streamer on platform. Rightwingers have no one left. Hasan wins again. Lmfao you lost culture war

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Fucking WHO?


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I normally say this as a joke but genuinely who is this and no I dont care

I mean, I'm not a conservative but Hasan is a retard anyway. Low IQ bitch even admits he's dumb. And Xqc's opinion on politics is as irrelevant as a childs.

Destiny is the real Gigachad


He didnt even say anything.. isnt this the guy that shits himself every stream? Am I supposed to take him seriously?

What's an XQC

A trans QR code

xtremely queer canadian

it occurs to me that people that are winning don't have to constantly remind everyone else that they're winning

the guy that owns a tesla and dont have a driving licence?

anyway, they wouldnt ban us if they werent afraid

Most famous twitch streamer that has audience of 90k of concurent viewers. Another one is pokimane, also hangs out with hasan. All young succesful people are now shilling socialism to millions of zoomers. You lost with your hitler memes

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ok bezos, you won

I'm just here to sage OPs gay thread about Chunky Yogurts retarded nephew

>that chat
jesus is it all 10 year olds?

Ok cool.
But literally who?

you realize his audience are all in middle school and high school so they're too young to even vote?


You're projecting.
You lost with your Hitler memes.
All weak people project and communism is for beta males aka females.

Ty for ur posts today

oh and he has a realy smol head

and dresses like a fucking faggot


look at his weak faggy stance

this little bitch turns into such a little bitch when confronted in public


what a scared little queer

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who else would watch hasan? you have to be underage, a faggot or retarded to watch him unironically

ok so the funniest part about when hassan got confronted in public and super scared


like they were seriously scared at the confrontation and actually panicking

what a bunch of pussy ass faggots

all big talk online, but a bunch of really spineless faggots

whole lot of denial in this thread
his viewers are future voters and they will be voting democrat
you all are so fucked but honk honk am i rite

some chatter:
>90% of people have health insurance
>that sounds made up. whered u hear that from, ben shapiro?

this is the level of discourse we're getting on twitch

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