The upcoming war in Ukraine will be the first with AI controlled robots

The upcoming war in Ukraine will be the first with AI controlled robots.

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explain this to the grugs that believe american millitary is getting weaker because "muh tranny"

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Viro can into deathbots.

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>AI controlled robots.
I'm sure that will work out just fine.

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Just sit ontop of it

Or spray paint the visual censors.

the future of warfare will be based, very little soldiers will die and almost 0 civilians.

It will be gamers vs gamers and when one side is out of assets they are forced to capitulate to internationally recognized sanctions including paying for the war and a prize for the victor.

AI boosted gamers will get all the bitches.

The future of policing will be great too. Now robots will do it and will never be allowed to use lethal force unless there's a hostage in the arms of a gunman or something along these lines.

Having robots carry all their shit means the army can lower their standards further and hire even more women and fat minorities, just watch. There's nothing inherently wrong with nato hardware, it's the malicious intent of those in charge that disgusts me.

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>plugged into a Honda generator in realtee camo strapped to the front.

>spray paint
may I suggest paintballs with oil-based paint inside them? Suck out the water-based crap with a syringe and hypodermic needle, replace it with cheap oil-based white paint... white is the thickest.

rodeo style, calgary stampede here we come

I think the opposite will happen, there's going to be a ton of civ casualties because of massive AI use. The bots will see everything as their enemy as shoot everyone that's not identified as being on their side.

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Star Trek: A Taste of Armageddon

Metal gear when?

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yup. people make fun of our tranny zoomie armor but when you are getting completely fucking decimated by drones and robots controlled by some speed run tranny with an xbox controller you will have to rethink everything.

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that dude is wearing a ukraine flag but he looks just like all the mutts over here. is ukraine a mutt nation?

does ukraine even have an army? all ive seen is some militia in a trench

nothing makes me feel safer than hackable ai weaponry

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You can buy AI gun turrets for your ranch today.
You don't have to wait for the military.

Perhaps in the interim period, but unless one empire immediately dominates the balance of power there will be an option for international referees.

they have several ak-47s and probably a few bullets as well. poverty has not been good to them.

Yea no shit. We have been making AI killer robots for at least the last 2 decades.
Everyone is scared of a flu or shit hitting the fan but these robots are nightmare fuel.
I'd probably pass out from panic if I saw a bunch of heavy duty armed robots marching into my local area.

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Bullshit, it will probably be like robots and drones killing niggers and sandniggers that are fighting with AKs

we're going to need weapons that can see when we're blind. Electronic warfare is brutal and have never been observed in the modern age. Everything can be jammed, including the human eye or any lens that we can make. A series of lower power laser pointers can completely disable a tank or IFV if they're being targeted by a movement prediction AI.

Dude its Estonian flag. Milrem is estonian company, and dude in picrel is estonian.
But im not surprised by your lack of basic knowledge

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It probably will for us if it comes to that lol

until Huawei makes some super cheat shit and various middle eastern billionaires kick a few dollars toward them.

>that dude is wearing a ukraine flag
When I thought Amerimutts couldn't embarrass themselves more.


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The reason drones have been so effective over the years is that there hasn’t been any war fought recently with anything less than a totally permissive air environment. Afghanistan? No air defenses. ISIS? No air defenses. Armenia? Shit air defenses. They’ll be a lot less useful when jamming and directed energy drone swatters start coming into play.

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That music reminds me too much of TTS

How long can this go before a recharge?
Also can it be recharged in the field?

You can't have a strong army without manpower, robots are not advanced enough yet.
Look what happened in Afghanistan
>InB4 "we killed more of them bla bla.
Sure, whatever.

What the hell is that machine ?

They had one back in the 1800's it didn't work out so well though.

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