It’s spreading bros

It’s spreading bros.

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Other urls found in this thread: Uox-QLGpWTc3OGE0

fuck yah. I'll be at queens park

canadian citizens are angry with the unvaccinated minority trucker protests

85% in canada are vaccinated

Seethe more pls

Every single poll since protest started shows majority support for ending mandates.


you cant win, 85% people in canada are against these protests. Just get vaccinated and stop protesting, or stay unvaxxed and lose your job, get covid and die. many such cases

Attached: vaxx.jpg (657x207, 19.05K)

Remove your meme flag, moshe.

Yes, and they're sick of getting boosters.


then why are 85% vaccinated, there would be much less if they were against it. Even Justin Trudeau - prime minister of Canada said it "Canadians are 'angry' and 'frustrated' with the unvaccinated", you cant win because the majority is vaccinated and they are tired of these protests. I get it you can find one million who is against the mandates, but i give you 32million canadians who got vaccinated and are very tired with these protests, just get vaccinated and everything will be fine, IT IS THAT SIMPLE

Then why aren't they fully vaccinated? That chart represents one dose. And no one wants boosters. They want life to go back to normal.

The issue isn't with 'anti vaxxers' it's with you. You've been told that your vaccine prevents death and hospitalizations, so who cares. Evidently, you're safe, so let's move on.

End Jesuit pedophilia, start with Trudeau

Attached: Trudeau Jesuit pedo.jpg (720x585, 138.1K)

Let's quit it with this vaxx majority rhetoric. Many double vaccinated are not getting the booster. Many are tired of lockdowns, rules and mandates. Many don't like how their unvaccinated countrymen are being treated.

Just because you got your shots doesn't mean you can't be tired of this shit.

>canadian citizens are angry with the unvaccinated minority trucker protests
Then maybe they should protest by blocking trucks from deliver- oh wait...

Toronto will never allow it

A lot of them regret it, but all of them recognize that they had a choice and it would be wrong to deny others the choice they got to make.

I saw an article where they said the truckers were throwing rocks at an ambulance. Any proof this is bullshit?

Probably not like all the other hoaxes that would make the jew blush

How big is it also watch out the kikeveristy is right beside it

If I were the government and I wanted to stop this, I'd know I couldn't do it without support of the people, so I'd have some infiltrators pretend to be a part of the convoy and commit crimes that would make them look bad in order for me to have a reason to use force to break it up in the public's eyes

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Meme magic will help us in this struggle
A health freedom crypto project that helps to create a parallel society for the unvaxxed
>unvaxxed jobs finder
>unvaxxed tinder
>unvaxxed airbnb
>block chain ledger with censored medical information

Join us on our mission.... Uox-QLGpWTc3OGE0

Attached: pol10.jpg (800x533, 91.2K)

>honk honk
>le honk

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Bump see you there