As you may or may not know Reddit is going public next month, and we can use that to bring them to their knees. On the day they go public we buy as many shares as possible, and hold. For about a month we’ll buy more shares, causing their stock to go up. Then, on April 20th we’ll sell all the shares we own, causing their stock to plummet. Once they drop we’ll send Spez an email saying that we’ll buy back the shares if he bans the subreddits on a list we’ll make on this thread. The uncucking of Reddit is in our time Any Forums.

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Don't the chinks own Reddit? If true, this Operation is approved.

Lol no


>buying reddit
I couldn't think of a worse idea.

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reddit has lots of tencent bux. most of their funding is from selling data to them.

short squeeze their stonks man

No you don’t understand, we’re going to hold them hostage with a planned sell off.

I don’t want to uncuck reddit I want it destroyed and banned forever along with all updoot and namefag based sites. How could one theoretically do that?

>crash their stock price
>get some rich guy to buy all the shares
>he orders the site be replaced with a static page containing picrel + "[insert patsy site here] will shut down reddit, by any means necessary"

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Buying Twitter or Facebook is as bad.

The intention is good, but I think this is simply too complicated and easily exploited by people getting out a few days early, bringing the price down so anons lose money if they sell off at the agreed date. You need to somehow prove that the price will be guaranteed to make every user following your schedule profit.

Isn't this illegal?

>Banning subreddits
>When banning is the biggest problem on any site.
Op you flaming queer. you don't demand for the banhammer, you demand that the banhammer is put away. Make the demand for "Allowing back subreddits that were banned for politcal reasons/reasoning."

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Only for goy
As a jew, youre all my minions now

This is literally what hedge funds do. We are the Any Forums hedge fund. Buy some cheap Reddit and hold. You don't even have to spend much. It's just a numbers game.

It is easier to destroy than create
Vengance is short and sweet, but foregiveness is the lords

Then count me in!

Go back faggots you “people”‘already ruined this board

day of rake when!?

Here’s the subs we should demand to be banned in the ransom note:
Feel free to add to the list


Wow reddit mods need to unionize!

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>shitting out a meme that’s older than your entire duration here
Shut the fuck up you unfunny plebbit cancer infested nigger lover

better idea, turn off comments entirely and limit to 1 vote per hour globally.

>anti work
The Jews have been trying to shut it down, always do the opposite of what the Jew wants.

maybe inform Any Forums too? or they are probably more interested in their shitcoin rugpullls, probably so nevermind.

How about we do both?

works for me

Found the cuck

And is not Any Forums and Any Forums considered Lords of Memes?

I don’t have time to make a new OP on Any Forums so you’re welcome to copy paste it there.

I had this idea a month ago. Thanks for spreading it though

Yea perhaps this should start on Any Forums

if you bundle it with an NFT rugpull they'd eat it up

What about
>Buy 'n' HODL
>Coordinated sell-off
>Puts on the drop
>They have to buy it back at stirke
>Call the buyback
>Take the spoils in shares
>Coordinated sell-off
>Repeat until door kicked in

oh god the options guys are here

YOU'RE an option

the IV is too low for that right now, maybe in the future.

>just buy this thing and you can pwn the libtards, goy!