Just received orders to report immediately to my local command, we're getting deployed tomorrow around Ottawa

I think they're sending us to stop the matter entirely, keep safe and do not act violent in any way we're under duresse as well

Attached: 3521.png (155x152, 38.99K)

Other urls found in this thread:

If the truckers go peacefully, we’re all fucked

You’re going to be under 13000 lbs of steering weight as well.

If you shed their blood, you will deserve what happens to you.

Join the truckers, don't oppose them, tell TurdDough to abandon the vax mandate

>If the truckers go peacefully,
before & after.

Post pic of orders or it's bullshit

nothing ever happens, the truckers have 3 months worth of food. They are good

PLOT TWIST: They join the convoy and demand Trudeau go.

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Hope you are going there to arrest Trudeau on our behalf.
Hopefully you joined the military for the same reason I did. To protect freedom and democracy.

Gake and Fay
Honk and Sneed


>do not act violent in any way we're under duresse
fake and gay but if not, then you're just a beta. you still have free will. exercise it.

Sorry fren but this is not happening
But maybe they will come for Dohboy.



Show flag at least faggot


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The government will cave within a week, if they’re smart. They’re being stubborn right now, because the globohomo plan is to continue this gay lockdown mandate shit.

But the consequences of this spreading and going viral other places are too great. Losing the mandate in Canada is one thing but having the rest of the world follow would be too damaging to them.

It’s really up to the truckers and supporters. The police and military are fucked. They aren’t prepared to handle something like this, and going hot will absolutely not help them.

I don't know right now I just know that I'm being deployed, I don't really want to but I don't have a choice in the matter

Telling you to prepare and be aware of the situation, do not provoke violence and most likely nothing too bad will happen, but we're ready for everything

The protest isn't working honestly, I support the principle but at the moment it's just chaos and unrest without strong support, and I have the feeling they do not intend to make this continue

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What if the military joins the movement? Eh boi

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What color dress and heels are you wearing into battle?

They're mobilizing a lot of people and equipment, I think they're more than ready to remove a couple thousand trucks by force judging by what I'm hearing in the last hours, it wouldn't be that hard actually..

I do have free will but also a job and a family to feed, getting court martialed wouldn't help with that

You have the choice to grow a pair and join the truckers.

I'm pretty sure they're going to go with the Priscilla Queen of the Desert theme but don't quote me. There's already a stage build so limma bunch of them can get up on stage and shooe the truckers away

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Youre going to guard the Tim Hortons like the US National Guard did during January 6th either that or your going with our soldiers to Poland to sit and wait

>it wouldn't be that hard actually..
What equipment are you bringing?

truckers have guns

Kill your commanding officers and stand with the truckers. If you go against the people you will face a future far more bleak than any you could imagine.

Just call in sick with covid faggots

Attached: Screenshot 2022-02-03 133924.png (536x331, 38.74K)

Just their Junk

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LARP, Trudeau said they aren't sending the military a few hours ago, let alone going tomorrow.

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If they get attacked by the military they should torch their rigs in protest. Good luck moving 1000s of burned down husks

the military truly has all of the power here, there is no government recourse if they join.

i believe the military can arrange a peace conference between trudeau and a trucker. they are peace keepers. this is peace keeping and peace making aware of the consequences of no compromise behaviors.

>and I have the feeling they do not intend to make this continue
Whew do you not know how to read your battlefield
Someone get this guy the "Red Team Planner" post.

>getting court martialed wouldn't help with that
The blood of your compatriots would though. Who are all doing this so their children can earn a paycheck without whatever this likely cancer-inducing, faulty injection is.

So when will the people of Ottawa start begging for UN white hats to occupy the streets? I mean, this is all part of the plan, isnt it

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Even if they had the same firearm ownership rate as the country as a whole (and it's going to be way higher for freedom-loving working-class Canadians), that'd still be 1 license per 14 people.
For 50k people, that's ~3,571 licenses.
The average gun owners owns multiple guns.

To be fair, Turdeau is a fucking liar.

This is going to be fabulous!!!!

>military can arrange a peace conference between trudeau and a trucker. they are peace keepers
LMAO military is for WAR

Nigga those Canadians have triple the balls you do. They’re fighting for something, you’re fighting for a paycheck (a mercenary). There’s a reason you’ll lose this before it even starts.

The CAF don’t have the logistics to handle this. What are you going to do? Try to tow them? With what? Bring tanks if you want, they’re essentially tractors with a gun that you won’t be able to use anyhow. Your tanks can’t even go over them, you’ll get stuck in a heartbeat.

And if they don’t comply, going to start shooting? You’ll have double the people you bring coming up from the south to reinforce. Once the bullets fly, it’s over and you won’t be able to hide behind “following orders”.

Americans are watching and we’d love to stomp out tyranny. Even if it’s at our neighbor’s house.

prove it

If this is not a LARP, What is your unit?

Also, are you going to side with Socks and brutalize the people who pay your salary with taxes and keep you fed by keeping the supply chains open or are you going to side with the Canadian public.

You should respectfully disobey higher command, stand with the Canadian people. This is a historical moment and do you want to tell your children one day about how you crushed a trucker revolt as they you all sit in the queue lines waiting for your powdered cricket protein or will you be able to tell them about how you helped liberate Canada from the tyranny of the WEF and their proxy agents who were tasked with destroying Canada and ruining Canadians way of life.

The choice is yours, hope you have your smoothbore C7 cleaned.

T. leaf in exile

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what kind of time do you think we're living in?
peace time
or war time?

>WOW! It's another shill thread!
>All fields
>WOW! It's another shill thread!
>All fields
>WOW! It's another shill thread!
>All fields
>WOW! It's another shill thread!
>All fields
>WOW! It's another shill thread!
>All fields
>WOW! It's another shill thread!
>All fields

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Interesting idea, but they won't do that. Their trucks are their livelihoods.

I'm hearing some wild stuff right now, it's mainly logistical divisions being deployed and they're stuffing trains full of trucks and tractor systems, I heard similar reports from some people in the royal navy, heavy mobilization starting in a couple hours

I don’t think people realize just how nasty the truckers can get if they’re pushed to leave. The police know this and it’s why they’ve been fairly passive during the protest. Try to remove the trucks downtown and this goes from trucks parked along the road to trucks parked sideways blocking the entire thing. The trucks parked away from downtown and outside of Ottawa will flood in and do the same- creating roadblocks around the polices roadblocks. It’s in everyone’s best interest to let the protest continue as it is.

Assumed fake and gay. Post flag if otherwise.

is it over lads?

The military that gets deployed there is going to have a choice. Join the peaceful protest. Or carry out the will of the Globohomo. God bless Canadians for being the first in North America to step up and grow a pair. Stand tall based Canadians.


>meme flag
nice larp

>Or carry out the will of the Globohomo.
You know they wont resist an opportunity to carry ou the will of Globohomo

You do so have a choice.

How many hours of Critical Race Theory and Transsexuality awareness seminars have they made you sit through.

Reclaim your balls man.

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Any Forums will believe this

I really doubt they’ll let themselves be removed. Talking to the truckers there are many that have nothing left to lose. No job, house about to be taken away, friends and family against them, nowhere to run. The success of this protest is all they’ve got and all we’ve got.


This is actually a good solution.

they already removed a good number of trucks, mainly the ones doing just that (blocking entire roads) the only ones being allowed right now are either parked or in already congested areas

if you receive an order and you defy it, you are in big big problems in the military, it doesn't work like that

>we're getting deployed tomorrow around Ottawa
Sounds like 100k leafs need to show up tomorrow as well.

There's enough fuel parked there to turn Ottawa in Hell on Earth

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This is going to play to our advantage in the long run. People are always going to remember that limp wristed homosexuals who claim to support the right to protest and democracy has to call in the Army because a peaceful protest upset them. The consequences won’t manifest right away, but in the long run these kinds of actions will undermine faith in democracy and that will always be to our advantage.

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