Christbros...what can I do to convince you to return home to the religion of your ancestors?

Christbros...what can I do to convince you to return home to the religion of your ancestors?

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paganism is a cringe meme but better than christianity

My ancestor is Jesus Christ, our greatest founding father.

>ethnic religions (christian):
pagan sources:

Defeat me. Unironically.

No, I will not suck your dick for Odin.

Will you suck Odin's dick for me?

You can't un-retard a retard:

This is clearer if you compared entire countries (most of the turd world is very religious except when atheism is enforced somehow).

uh bro, if you dont pretend a circumcised jew is god and you reject the jewish torah as your religious foundation then you are jewish

I genuinely feel related to Jesus Christ.

Nothing but let‘s just respect each other

Larping is for fags, show me any sort of evidence that the pagan gods actually exist.

Demonstrate that your values are productive. I don't even know what you people even think other than edgy shit "Jesus bad", etc.

If you killed a synagogue full of high ranking kikes, I might think different of you. Or build a space program. Or issue a new currency. SOMETHING productive.

Join us faggot

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Did anyone else feel that Christ literally protected them from the notVax? I found myself in a strong position to resist by humbly serving the Lord and accepting his path for my Family. Those in my life that did not Trust were swayed by the World's threats.

Post nose for a start

Maybe, I've had a strong feeling ever since the mRNA injections were announced that they were some bad shit and I shouldn't take them under any circumstances. I wonder if other people do too and most just choose to ignore it because they trust the media more.

Blow me.

Modern nords are atheists

I suspect this is true, that none of them actually believe in Odin or whatever and fail to understand that at least some Christians are actually sincere about their faith.

i didnt need to pretend a circumcised jew is god in order to not take the vax
you are a retarded faggot

>Christbros...what can I do to convince you to return home to the religion of your ancestors?
But my ancestors were Christians for 2000 or so years.

Why are you a LARPing shitposting faggot though?

if your ancestors were christian for 2000 years then they were literal jews
2000 years ago the only christians were jews


captcha: AGGGU

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Years ago, as I was fading from my Faith, I swore that if I ever felt an international drive to force me to mark myself to show I Believed in them, I would say No and never doubt again, even and especially to the death. It was just too obvious.

Ancient Germanics' religion was monotheistic; they worshipped 'Wralda', 'creator of the potential', the 'All-feeder' and 'All-father'. European Paganism is literally just deified heroes and leaders and is farther from the 'religion of my ancestors' than fucking Catholicism is. Both Euro Paganism and the Abrahamic religions are largely coopted by Jews, 'Magus' and other bad-natured Esotericists which seek to subvert White identity and understanding of themselves. Give the OLB a read for a good understanding of this user.

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The book of enoch has the truth.

That puts you in an extreme minority of atheists.

I'm more of an animist

>if your ancestors were christian for 2000 years then they were literal jews
but you're lying. and since my ancestors were Christians for 2000 years that means the religion of my ancestors was Christianity.

>2000 years ago the only christians were jews
Except when the Roman Empire became Christian and thus the entire White world went Christian.

Face it, you're just a d&c anti-White LARPer

Faith is meant to protect those who don't know better. Humility is Key.

Your ancestors worshipped Yahweh as Jupiter, Zeus, Odin etc.

All the names in picrel are clearly variations of Yahweh if you replace the first letter with a Y sound.

Attached: YeiWos.png (781x490, 49.78K)

I am following the religion of my ancestors. What you're asking me to do is abandon the religion that my ancestors have followed, preached, suffered, and died for for the last 1800 years; call every one of those ancestors - including of course every ancestor I can put a name to and have any connection with, including of course my entire living family - deluded fools; and try to follow a larpish modern reconstruction of what people think things might have looked like before that. I'll pass.

All religions are based on the same human interpretations of God, and we can learn from each of them. Why limit yourself to one?

> be me
> grandfather 1 was mongol/pajeet
> grandfather 2 was scottish/irish
> grandma 1 was russian/jew
> grandma 2 was cherokee/scottish
> mom is white
> dad is brown but acts white
> zero racial identity at home
> no detailed family tree
> most people say I look italian

Which religion is the one my ancestors worshipped? The Irish & Scots were Catholic & Protestant. The Cherokee and Mongols were animists. The Pajeets are Hindus. The Jews are Jews.

I choose to worship Christ because it's the only "religion" with a shred of historical evidence. Stop larping, stop trying to convince the huwite man to join your larp, start worshipping the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

>if you reject jewish religion you are an atheist

>I was forced to go to sunday school and wear itchy clothing when i was 5 years old
>god is dead

retard jesus' ministry was around year 30
2000 years ago all christians were literal jews

>Except when the Roman Empire became Christian and thus the entire White world went Christian.
That didn't happen for several centuries after Christianity was started, nearly 400 years it took Rome. Almost 1000 for the rest of the white world. If your ancestors were Christian 2000 years ago, your ancestors are jews

Have you tried worshiping La Luz Extinguido?

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>my jew worship religion is for retards

I subscribed to thee mindset of "might makes right". To the extreme. Unironically. It leads to Christianty. Unironically.


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absolute cope
why are you so dishoenst?

My home religion is unknowable, so is yours
The so called paganism is just what they were worshipping when we rediscovered writing things down. What we worshipped beforehand? Unless you got a time machine that goes further than 40k years ur out of luck, but you can rest assured that it was some incomplete form of worship of the war God/ Christ-king... unless u were some agricultural cuck

No, no they were not, Jesus was never a jew, never followed judaism, and even called them out for being the spawn of satan (hence they killed him).

Attached: jesus not jewish.jpg (1024x1024, 333.35K)

I'm 10% sephradic, it's my heritage

>2000 years ago all christians were literal jews
What a nitpicking little bitch you are.

>That didn't happen for several centuries after Christianity was started, nearly 400 years it took Rome. Almost 1000 for the rest of the white world. If your ancestors were Christian 2000 years ago, your ancestors are jews
Oh look another larping nitpicker. The fact is my ancstors and virtually all White people have been Christians for over 1000 years, close to 2000 years. Christianity is an ancient, White religion.

Why are you so anti-White and a d&c shill?

Based Bokposter

Unironically this.

My ancestors became Catholic, faggot

I have no home to return to.
M family is crypto-Jewish.

It's the same god. The jews are just too stupid to understand their own God.

Just as the day comeith the night

Paganism is gay, no thanks

the bible says jesus was a jew circumcised per tradition of the jews, depicts him as participating in jewish holy days in jewish temple as well as reading jewish scripture in jewish temple per jewish tradition only allowed to jews

your silly larp is retarded
circumcision for yahweh, sukkot, passove,r shauvot, purim, sabbath, hannukah, menorahs, prayer shawls, long side hairs, scripture cubes, matzos, etc are all jewish heritage

your cope larp is fucking retarded
save your larp memes i have seen them all
you are an absolute imbecile