How would you execute a plan to systematically exterminate all niggers, wetbacks and jews?

How would you execute a plan to systematically exterminate all niggers, wetbacks and jews?

Attached: s-l400.jpg (400x400, 35.85K)

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Launch all of the US's nuclear arsenal.
>but don't open the launch hatches.

get off my lawn faken g00ks

Start a global pandemic and then force vaccinations and ame truckers for everything

By simultaneously invading Finland from Russia, Germany and Sweden


I'd probably go to school for virology and biology, get a master's degree, and join the CDC. Then engineer an STD that kills egg and sperm cells and target the country of origin.

Stop paying taxes


Systematical waiting

A banned book called "The Turner Diaries" was written about this in detail. Look up the history of the book as well as the author.

Attached: 9781733648127.jpg (267x400, 70.39K)

You can't, just establish a white nation that forbids non-white people living there,

build walls around all cities and drop biological agents in them
80% of the problem will be solved

id eat the rich first faggot

In reverse order.

“Get Your Free Watermelon At The Nevada Test Site”!!!!

>How would you execute a plan to systematically exterminate all niggers, wetbacks and jews?
Support Elon Musk's planet colonization efforts. Once we can go to other planets, racial segregation will happen naturally. And whichever planets end up with the niggers and spics and kikes won't survive.

Stop welfare programs

There's already database of all the Jews. If you some more after the nuclear strike, just kill them then. In the end, there will be a DNA database of all the citizens in the kingdom to make sure none of them snuck through.

this leaf gets it

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I've been thinking about it too.
I think taking the perspective of the jews might be of benefit

where can you get this book?

>government does a mandatory gun confiscation
>I’m the only one exempt