Why do mutts live in shit homes?

British Chad here in Amerimuttland visiting family.

This is a 400,000$ home in the United Mutts Of America

Why do you guys do this to yourselves? This shit looks like it would blow over in the first strong wind.

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Regulations and cost.

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Most of britain is just one big fucking apartment complex with roads going through it. East Shit

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such suckable balls

They will say it's cheaper, but somehow it still isn't cheap. It's just shit.

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>Reddit spacing
Chink larp confirmed. All fields.

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new home construction is just scam to see how cheaply and repeatedly over the smallest amount of acreage homes can be built now

anyone with an actual brain looking for new homes either buys an existing home from an older neighborhood or buys the land first then builds their home as they dictate, homes like you show in the OP are a dime a dozen and usually come with tiny lot lines an oppressive hoa

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last thread didn't get enough replies? kys

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You couldn’t even swing a hammer

Planned obsolescence. Same reason ALL of our shit breaks and nothing is designed to last.
Cars being obsolete after 20 years is the norm. A house surviving maybe 50 is pretty normal. Your microwave won't last, neither will the stove, the water heater, air conditioner, your TVs and radios, computers, coffee makers, the floor, the clothes you wear, the carpet, everything is basically designed to fail after a point.
Which is kinda crazy. My grandmother's old wood burning stove still absolutely fucking works nearly a century later but yours won't last 20 years and isn't meant to.
Everything is designed to be impermanent because the people that make it won't keep making money if you never buy another one of their products ever again. So it has a set destruction point. That way you're forced to keep adapting and staying as a consumer.
If a house was built to last centuries then it could be passed father to son and keep that wealth generational. Now you get to inherit a trash heap that should be condemned, and then go through the costly process of rebuilding instead! This is unlikely for most people so the property sells instead and you're forced to buy a thirty year mortgage on another used heap of junk that'll need to be condemned by the end of it.

... inside an American house without bringing it down

Let’s not pretend like your country isn’t overrun by Pakis and also pay the same housing prices for a townhouse with not even an acre of land.



planned obsolescence really doesn't work here since you're not going to rebuy a new home from the same builder, it's just cost cutting to maximize profit

Don't say 'home', it's common

This is same thread dumb Amerimutt LOL

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>ridiculous out of context strawman


>dumb mutt doesn't even know what a strawman is

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They've been making some crap for centuries at the same company. You think they couldn't design it better? Of course they COULD but that would be less profit. If you really look at a lot of products they are in fact far worse than they were originally, plastic and disposable.
Because it makes them more money. This is where it gets expensive to be poor in America. If your dishwasher breaks in winter and you are trying to do dishes by hand in cold water to keep the heating bill down it's tempting to get paper plates instead. Pretty soon that becomes the norm even though the paper plates are more expensive in the long run, in the short run it works. Like putting a donut on your car and keep driving for the next week and a half hoping you can get the new tire next payday. You fuck up the car even more in the process and shorten it's lifespan needing a new one faster. If you had had the money to get it fixed right away it wouldn't be an issue but you don't so....
It just adds up. You need to get a new car sooner but can't afford anything quality and the cycle repeats.

>bong tries talking about how bad homes are in America
>had to leave his homeland because he couldn't afford one
stones and glass houses.

There are houses in England that have been lived in for a thousand years. In America if a house makes it to 100 years it's a serious accomplishment.

>Why do you guys do this to yourselves?
International investment firms buy properties and artificially inflate prices + uncontrolled immigration raises demand.

What is this, a house, a hotel, a mosque?

>This shit looks like it would blow over in the first strong wind.
It won’t.

You can look up the property on the county website. Look at the Assesor's office and find out how much of the value of the property is the land and how much is the building. Start there, if it isn't just a shill D&C, but a genuine thought/question.

rent free

>same builder
Protip; the builder doesn't matter. The (((parent))) does.

You’re absolutely a beautiful woman

We kek at them too.
Ameroids live in shitty little hovels made out of industrial waste and cardboard, then think themselves lucky if they have a well, because running water is for genuine humans over in developed nations with infrastructure!
>one mutt tried to brag that it has a 'well' on its property
It became angry when I pointed out it lived in a state where it was illegal to collect rainwater and I laughed at it.

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I concur.
The successful British and the British Empire, the greatest and most benign empire in the history of the world, lives rent-free in the heads of most americans.

Jesus lol

Lulz. Most Americans forget you faggots even exist.

It's because of artificial scarcity and Capitalism. Also because of cars and toxic individualism.

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M8, they do blow over in strong winds. Mutts haven't figured out how to bricks

They are surprisingly comfy to be honest

Maybe the ghettos lol, looks like public housing here in my area.

You have to pay for the land it is on dumbass. The building is not worth all that much compared to the land. We don't have tiny little houses squished together here. Literally sharing side walls with each other, and tiny back yards comically being called gardens for some reason, despite the fact that it is just a tiny strip of grass and / or pea stones within a grid of wooden fences between rows.

u wot m8

It's a black forest house.

that house in incredible german bro I kneel

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What exactly do you feel doesn’t look right there. Point it out for me.

>public housing
Based golem, fuck poor mutts and any semblance of solidarity. I like my muttlanders nice and retarded.

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>Why do you guys do this to yourselves?
We didn't do this to ourselves. Communists globohomo like you EU fags did this to us. Fuck you!