Dating and the Vaxx

Men and women need to start demanding the Vax status of the other who they are seeing. There is no point in continuing a relationship if either is vaxxed because of the issues of fertility and infertility. If the significant other is vaxxed, end that relationship immediately.

Punish the Vaxxtards and hurt them where it hurts most, at their heart. Granted they'll die from a heart attack soon enough anyway.

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thats my fetish

Chink in the back jacking off while being needled anally.
Must be this guy

That's a very powerful painting, good lord.
If art were legitimate that painting would be a symbol of our times

Where do I find the nonvaxxed?!? Everyone has been injected here. I've been celibate since they rolled out the vax. Not having any flipper children or or risking exposure to the aids injected that's for shit sure.

Also, this post is assuming that something like 85% of marriage age white women arent vaxxed

There is something like a 4 to 1 ratio for women to men when it comes to the shot

"Hurr durr just find a non vaxxed woman", you absolute nigger it was hard enough to find someone halfway decent before this, now it is more or less statistically impossible.

Nobody said life was easy.

My main concern is catching VAIDS when going in bareback.

So you understand that most unvaxxed men will never be able to find a wife, right? Just so we are perfectly clear.


I'm just gonna marry an unvaxxed african negress, you can't stop me

>I've been celibate since they rolled out the vax.
Me too. Also I was celibate my entire life before that for unrelated reasons

Go get that pureblood qveen, wh*Te boi.

My gf is vaxed and had her period for 3 months straight after. Stupid bitch.

The pleasure of the flesh are temporary, but the kingdom of God is forever.

You want a kid with sever birth defects is she can even bear children?

Ok christkike

tell me, would you rather have

a: White Muslim Europe/America/Aus-NZ?
b: Christian Europe/America/Aus-NZ, but all R1a/R1b/Aryan people have either died out, been expelled, or are living as slaves?

Which will it be, christkike?

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Everyone should see this

What does it matter if the Aryan women are infertile?

Why is that guy fapping?

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My friend hate the vaxx and still got it and the booster because he is dating an almost post wall whitie with big tits.

Man really are pathetic sometimes

I literally end relationship if she is an antivax fucktard that doesn't trust science.

She may happen to survive this pandemic but when the next one occurs, we might have children and they might die because of it, so no.

How many unvaccinated women are there? I bet the ratio from men to women is probably 10 to 1 or something ridiculous.

Hate to say it, but if you don't have someone already, that is unvaccinated, you're fucked.