>Let's play the silent game

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New Brunswick Cyanobacteria Breakout for President 2024

>hell yea dud let's just stare at em
Here we have the least retarded leftist

>NPC's acting like NPC's

>lefties shut the fuck up
I'll believe it when I see it

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4d chess

OMG this is such a good idea! Going out to violate lockdowns to counter protest for lockdowns right now!

>I am the Fauci of my Ouchie
>Moderna is my body and Pfizer is my blood
>I have created over a thousand variants
>Unknown to DNA,
>Nor known to RNA.
>Have withstood jabs to create many doses
>Yet, those cells will never hold antibodies
>So as I pray,

>Unlimited Booster Works

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yeah yall should definitely go do that

I give them 10 minutes of honking tops before they break.

That's the sound of MK_ULTRA conditioning waning.

Nah fuck you, it's fun to troll lefties. Get an acct, wait 3 days, then report a fear of them committing suicide/self-harm

Kek. The Leaf renaissance is in full bloom. Congrats

>A staring contest

Woah that's heckin' unnerving

Oh my God why can’t Reddit be shut down already

We honk for honkless

What a bunch of faggots


Just don't attack any chickens

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These fucking "people" lmfao. Imagine a small scattering of fat women and low-t balding men just standing at the side of the road, almost entirely unnoticed, staring ghoulishly at the truckers who just sit there continuing to honk. HONK HONK HONNNNNNNNK.

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Why wouldn't you put the syringes facing the correct way :(
Who shoots syringes plunger first?

Studies show that left wing protests actually decrease covid so it will actually be a good thing mmmk

>with our masks on
Then you just look like weirdo alien autists.

Red deer event

This is such a great idea I’m wondering if it isn’t one of our own infiltrators.

This sounds like a little kid talking about fighting off a thousand ninjas or something, lol

>what if we went out and gave dead stares with our masks on

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They should just declare a trucker embargo on Ottawa. No deliveries no trucks for the city. I'm sure they government would make the military transport supplies for the people but those are resources that the nation wouldn't have for going to war, for civil defense, or for subjugating the people.

This is what my country has become.

I hope they do it so we can observe this IRL

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