The vaccine works. Cases up, zero deaths

99% vaccinated
Zero deaths even if cases are up
It literally works and you have zero counter to it

Attached: 20220203_080433.jpg (2048x1070, 169.28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

My immune system works. Enjoy your cancer. Im just not gonna take it.

According to the veterinarian CEO of Pfizer, the "vaccine" (it's not a vaccine) is dangerous.

Attached: IMG_20220111_130411.jpg (720x405, 180.8K)

There are no vaccines for covid or any coronavirus. They do not inoculate. They do not vaccinate.

Therefore, there are no vaccines.

Attached: IMG_20220111_125818.jpg (720x405, 199.48K)

>source: trust me bro

causality vs correlation
can you show that the vaxxx is the reason?

Tfw you got tricked by the reptilians and won't admit you're just a fucking retard.

Virus is unstable because it was altered in a lab. Mutations are occurring and they are less symptomatic. The question now is what have the drug companies done to the vaxxers' bodies.

Photo related.
>never vaxxed
>been working with public since covid began
>never sick, not a sniffle
>took antibody test on a whim
>tested pos for long-term antibodies
>watching vaxxed get symptomatic covid

Attached: Antibodies Redacted.jpg (1512x2016, 509.36K)

>1 post by this ID
bot post, filter and move on

>Mutations are occurring and they are less symptomatic.
Then why are the unvaxxed still dying in countries with lower vaccination rates?

Bourla said that in an interview. Feel free to try to find it.

(The entire interview was deleted and banned on YouTube/Google/FagBook/etc after us crazy "conspiracy theorists" started sharing it.)

The date is right in the pic. Go look for it.

Attached: IMG_20220107_113449.jpg (500x667, 189.2K)

Man I cannot imagine being this retarded. Have you heard of variants becoming less lethal and more infectious? The vaccine doesn't do shit.

So why are the unvaxxed other countries still dying?

Or, the virus killed who it is going to kill, mostly very old people (average age of “COVID deaths” is older than the average age of all deaths) and very sick. It moved through the population, wiped these people out, and they are gone. They cant die twice. The people left have bodies that can handle it.

>Then why are the unvaxxed still dying in countries with lower vaccination rates?
Because what you see aren't actual numbers.
If someone gets transported into a hospital and is unable to share the vaxx status, it's automatically unvaxxed. Same with not boosted. And then there is a group of people just not sharing it because it's personal medical information.
I live right besides a hospital and it's nowhere near what the "numbers" that have been proven wrong time and time again claim. Here in germany, the RKI and other organisations claimed that more than 30% of deaths were not from covid because you were a covid death 2 weeks after getting infected and then dying in a car crash. This is peak clown world and everyone knows it.

People also seem to forget from the beginning that the “COVID death rate” was like .25%. It was ALWAYS nothing for most people. Anyone who is like “I tested positive, thank god I got the vax, or else it could be horrible.” No bitch it would not be horrible, unless you were obese or deathly ill.

Remember the whole basis for masks and lockdowns was asymptomatic spread, e.g. lots of people (50%+) who had it didnt know they had it.

Omicron is weak as fuck.

t. Infected, unvaxxed, semi-pure blood

You are forgetting that if someones vaccine was less than 15 days ago, or more than 90 days ago, they are counted as "unvaxxed".

Attached: 1628018133082.png (624x576, 191.26K)

Yea there's no consistency or verifiability of any of this data, and I no longer BLINDLY trust the institutions after this shit job they pulled to sell a vaccine.

>manipulate everything
>must be right, then
Peak midwit

You didn't even need the vaccine, look at Sweden 2020, no mandates, no pandemic.

10 year avg.

Attached: sweden deaths.png (1426x802, 25.71K)

Yes, you must BLINDLY trust the antivax posters on Any Forums and the schizo unsourced tweets they post.

So many ppl are failing to realize this. NO ONE IS VACCINATED AGAINST COVID.

So you took a vaccine for a nothingburger.


You can confirm the graphs on statista and even on Swedens own data agency I bet.

Attached: sweden deaths 2.png (1426x802, 41.85K)

>Look, the vaccine is working!
Looks more like Omicron is working, to me.

We're gonna need to release the first strain and delta again to see how well it actually worked though

Oh and besides, here you are:
Sorry it's in german, you can push it into a translator. Some based london researches let young people get infected with the "dangerous" delta variant and it was a nothing burger. This study got attacked by the narrative because it is "unethical".

There is lots of info everywhere, you can read it. Obviously it depends on your level of comfort with statistical/medical/legal stuff, but it is out there.

The fact is, we have known how this COVID virus works since the Diamond Princess. As far back as then we knew it killed primarily very old and very sick, and was nothing for everyone of a relatively healthy constitution. We also knew it spread despite mitigation measures. We have not learned anything that disproved or undermined those initial Diamond Princess findings.

>99% vaccinated
you have a 99.97% chance of surviving the virus WITHOUT vaccination. it's literally the same state with or without vaccination. in other words, my smoothbrained fren, the vaxx doesn't work.

Attached: ZomboMeme therapeutic.jpg (636x960, 198.43K)

Caught the virus last week, already no symptoms left, back to normal. Not taking your fertility control juice, thank you very much.

Meanwhile vaccinated 8 year olds and athletes at their prime are dropping from heart attacks and strokes. Zero deaths, yeah okay. They didn't die of covid so it's okay. God please right the wrongs of this sick world, please destroy the evildoers and shame those complacent to it. Amen

Attached: steve horvey.gif (338x252, 1.16M)

Heart attacks and strokes have always been normal for 8 year olds.

Attached: Zombo Thalidomide.jpg (640x576, 93.35K)

And we have always been at war with Eastasia.

Attached: Zombin Thalidomide 13.jpg (640x576, 103.72K)

Evolution dipshit
Omnicron is a mild cold, most dont even know they have it.

The last wave was the Omicron wave, incredibly less severe than delta variant, doesn’t kill anyone, does not reside in the alveoli of the lungs like delta and therefore symptoms are much milder.

Omicron spreads rapidly throughout the population and gives 4.5x better immunity against delta variant (which kills old fat people with pre existing conditions).

The vaccine does not prevent Omicron infection, therefore the lack of deaths in the latest wave is due to natural immunity. It’s really basic.