I’m done with my fellow Americans

Coming onto Any Forums, I found myself feeling bad for americans on here. They got tons of abuse, from what I felt was displaced rage. Blaming them for the ills of Europe and the world at large. How they were to blame for turning Germany and the UK and France etc. pozzed and zogged. However, after interacting with americans (on here and elsewhere) and seeing things from a non-pozzed point of view, I can safely say americans (especially the “white” ones) deserve every bit of shit thrown their way.
Never has there been a group of people so oblivious to the way things are, so completely ready to defend the current state of this zogged dump. If that isn’t bad enough, they’ll defend it from mean words said by Europeans but when it comes down to ACTUALLY doing something about the shit ruining this shithole?
Any nation (that isn’t muttland) that has problems will readily admit to them on here and do something, anything about them. As in, they go out in real life and get shit done

>British and paki rape gangs? Surge in nationalism and will readily defend statues from BLM (not to mention Brexit). Also UK is ending mask mandates while murica is arresting children in museums for not having a vax card

>Sweden/Scandinavia in general? Electing right wingers and poltiicians clamping down on immigrants

>France? Zemmour and Le Pen gaining popularity, even macron is cracking down on American liberalism

>Australia? Netherlands? Protesting coof guidelines and clashing with pigs

>fucking CANADA: Trucker convoys and forcing Trudeau into hiding, ACTUALLY HAVING AN IMPACT!!

The difference between them and “white” americans is that if someone criticizes their nation they don't automatically screech and oink about how that someone is a D&C shill or a jewish chink leftist shill muslim.
I hate americans and america. I give up on them, (((they))) can do whatever they want to white americans because I am done trying to help people that won’t even help themselves.

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This place unironically has an awful quality of life for 90% of people but they defend it to death

There is a lot of cognitive dissonance from American poltards on here it is true.
People have to make up their mind and commit. Do you support Israel/USA and their ideology of a worldwide trans-mullato slave class, or do you support the common people of earth.
In one paragraph an American will say "Fuck Zog" talk about how shit the war in Iraq was, how gay America is, and then they will lose their fucking mind if somebody doesn't suck the USA's cock or if somebody makes fun of the US military.
funny stuff.

>from some* American poltards

People have been shitting on Americans here forever, but every nation gets equally shit on. Hell Poo in the Loo was so bad that indians just stopped posting for months

Yeah we have too many bootlicking going on. Have a strong feeling its because of german influence or something idk, its uncanny how just we will defend things that are destroying us to the death. I know why it happens, this country has been an insane asylum since it was birthed from the autism of religious zealots and people seething at the concept of kings and queens and larping as roman.

Cool Story!
Bore us again soon,OK?

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Anyone who defends this “nation” in any way is part of the problem. If they really loved this country they would acknowledge the best thing for it at this point is to just let it die

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Thanks for proving my point

300 million of us too big to judge

A group is defined by its majority fren

They subconsciously defend what it was and what it could be, but the writing is on the wall and the emperor has no clothes

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This, America needs to die and white Americans need to establish a new nation state

Didn't know based comics still existed

that seems too based to be real

I've always believed that the writer of that particular Red Skull arc was at least a closet sympathizer for our side, but seeing RS advocating vegetarianism cinches the deal. Absolutely written by a huge fan of Uncle Adolf.

slave mentality. Mutts were bred from early age into becoming the best goyim possible. Needless to say that they could never hope for a better slave.

Let me tell you something: Any Forums hates EVERYBODY.

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This is too much like a journal entry. Sort out your emotions and post another draft with a clearer intention.

crying mutt here

Hey there are plenty of fucked up Americans that will gladly do what their masters tell them and for the most part they live on the coasts I fully support them breaking off and dying in the progressive shithole they’ve created… but not everywhere is like that I’m in AZ there hasn’t been any fucking mandates or Covid bullshit here in well over a year… they try and some people still wear them but they have no power here