ITT we break our countries most sacred rules

Im german and I dont recycle
I dont separate my trash
I just dump it all into the big bin
my neighbours, who I greet friendly every day, would probably be shocked to find out that I commit this heresy
for non-germans you have to understand:
recycling is holy here
plastic goes in plastic
paper in paper
trash in trash
aint nobody got time for that shit
so what sacred rules do you break in your country?

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i eat fries at mcdonalds
>and enjoy them

i dont recylce either, these mfs dont pay me for that shit, the fuck they think i do this for free?

My country worships niggers, jews, and whore. I'm a rebel and hate niggers, jews, and whores. I also dont have a car and have no interest in them , which most Americans find weird I think.

wait until they introduce bins that have RFID and are tied to your address.
then you get some sort of warning by post telling you you're not recycling well.
i dont know what happens if I do it too much

I'm swedish and quite frankly I don't like faggots.

Dangerously based

you don't look like a jannie to me user.

I flush my toilet after 10pm.

We have to pay more to do other people's work. We as consumers are stupid enough to do the job and pay more. Here they want us to either have 8 trash cans and sort it or drive to a place to drop it off. It's more expensive, yet somehow people are ok with paying more for less and taking away the jobs from the trash collectors. Fuck it i dont recycle shit, they can make a machine but won't because people are doing it for them.

I just can’t. I’ve tried skipping queues, can’t do it. A million ancestors scream at me that it’s wrong.

>wait until they introduce bins that have RFID and are tied to your address.
>then you get some sort of warning by post telling you you're not recycling well.
are you for real froganon?
I always expect some neighbour to show up at my frontdoor, with my garbage bag in his hand and tut-tuting me because I did a bad job at recycling.
but RFID chips?
no way
germany is too technically retarded for that (thank God)

I hate burgers and don't own any guns.

I’m Chinese and I think the ccp is full of Jewish faggots. Xi sold the country out to Israel. I’m not the only one who thinks that.

Come at me, faggots.

>I'm swedish and quite frankly I don't like faggots.
As long as you never make eye contact with your neighbours they will forgive you

Hans, get back to kissing Israeli ass.

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Wow, you sure showed them. You're a real rebel.
However, anyone here with a few brain cells left, should instead try to minimize your usage and exposure with plastic.
Additionally just have your own compost pile instead of paying to having it removed and garden a bit with it.

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>I just can’t. I’ve tried skipping queues, can’t do it. A million ancestors scream at me that it’s wrong.
kekd and checked
>do other people's work
its the same with self-checkout isles in the supermarket. why would I work for free for the supermarket? im not a jannie. give me a cashier to check out my shit, I refuse to do it myself even if it means standing in line because these cheap fucks here never open up enough cash registers

Get a truck instead of a car, you can use it to go enjoy nature and shit

I only have my car for work and even working is fucking trash in this country.
Fuck this shit.

I drive everywhere, I haven't cycled in years.

I'm Scottish and I don't buy spirits for schoolkids.

>Put trash in bag.
>Put bag in car.
>Chuck someplace on the highway.

recylcling is literally a scam and your nation is fucking retarded
good job

i am 100% real.
it's already a thing here.
they have put RFID bins since 2019 where I live

this happens to some extent already here. we have 3 bins.
general waste, plastics/metal, card/paper.
if the non general waste bins have the wrong stuff in it they wont take it. Obviously bin men dont have the time or car to actually check so it only applies if your super blatant

>Get a truck instead of a car, you can use it to go enjoy nature and shit
Former Canada man here.
We used to drive shitty beater cars all around the woods and get drunk while doing it.
Fucking concrete cowboys and their fucking tonka trucks can kick fucking rocks, bud.

also in other regions of france :

Oh and as a former NEW BRUNSWICK man, Living in America sucks fucking dicks and there is fuck all to fucking do in the fucking country besides work and work some more.
I literally hate you so fucking much its so unreal and no I dont have money or an education to fuck off and leave where the fuck ever.
In closing.
Fuck you, you're a fake man and your country is a country for soft little babies who live in permanent adult daycare all your lives.
P.S, Fuck GAYR15s, SKS will always be better.

Same, but I enjoy being higher up off the ground when I'm doing sketchy desert shit

it's the same here. the binmen will take it, cause they dont have time to check.
but I think the check happens at a later stage when the truck has finished his job and returns to the sorting station.
in any case, i was like OP until I started receiving letters describing what I had put in the general waste bin, and that they should go to the yellow bin.
this was sent to me by post ironically

Is it swiss culture to take a dump and just let it fester and float and stink up the house until morning? Who would want to sleep 30 feet away from floating smelly turds?


this is crazy
cant you just scratch off the chips or sth?
what if its a shared poubelle from a multifamily house?
im actually shocked to hear that france is even mor autistic and dystopian than Germany in this regard, I did not expect this

I'm a welfare leeching NEET in a country full of hardworking cucked muzzlefags. I will never go back to work again, since the rona i hate all the braindead bootlicking sheeple even more.

I'm an American and I pay attention to things happening in other countries.

>i eat fries at mcdonalds
>>and enjoy them
fuck you traitor

It's a good attitude it means you think about things instead of just following blindly. I avoid the self checkout too because I want people to be hired. It's not like groceries are going to be less expensive when they fire all the staff. They always try to sell us less for more.

What fucking third world shithole behaviour is that?

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>not recycling
>Germany's most sacred rule
I think there might be a more significant one than that. The type that leads to 90 year old women being imprisoned indefinitely.

I smoke weed and drink at work

I too, do not recycle. I have been shamed for it. They have tried to guilt trip me. Some have even threatened to report me. Still, I do not recycle.

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US of A is a third world country. It's a big pile of steaming shit glazed over with some terrible gold paint made from lead. Poverty is insanely gross, people are blind to the socialism, and our waggies just cuck out all day long and swallow the dick of taxes + bills. Don't believe everything you read or see. The cities are falling apart and people are dying in the streets. Drug abuse and sexual deviancy runs rampant too. Wouldn't be surprised if it turns out we are the modern day Sodem and Gomorrah.

I guess openly disliking tea counts as one, people can get very funny about it. Or maybe just having the opinion that pubs and pub culture are actually complete shit and it would be preferable to have more late night bars instead.

>so what sacred rules do you break in your country?
I’m white, and I hate niggers, spics, and jews.

Also go fuck yourself just get both, not like there's a limit on how many guns you can own

I rarely recycle too. I typically just separate cardboard packaging and glass, but I throw food waste together with everything else, no fucks to give. And I don't bother with any other minor shit either. From what I can tell recycling is mostly a scam anyway. It takes more energy to recycle most things than it takes to make new ones. Besides, most of the garbage gets shipped to some 3rd world country to be recycled there or whatever. If it were up to me I'd just burn it all. I'd only recycle cardboard and glass because they make the most sense. I suppose certain bigger plastics too, but that's far more complex because there are so many different kinds and you can't just dissolve them all together. Takes time and work separating everything, cleaning it, etc... Just burn it.

We had a scandal here where all the trash was shipped to China and burned together anyways. Most of these things are for people to feel good about themselves. My mom lives alone in a giant house, hoards more food than she can eat - but think as herself as a saviour of the world because she sorts into 12 different trash cans.

"Hey i saved the climate because I bought a bio bag that breaks all the time" - it's easier than having to repair your own stuff or actually change your behavior like not buying new phones every month etc. It's a cult in many ways

You aren't a real man if you don't love cars and trucks