Will this ever be banned? It amazes me how easy it is 2 get this in 2022. Got my copy in 2021

Attached: images.jpeg-68.jpg (480x640, 16.38K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>still cant leave my house

Banned by Kobo

Nope. Most people have not and will not read it thoroughly.

The version you are reading is either
>heavily censored
>has tons of annotations to disprove Hitler's thoughts
>or purposefully translated incorrectly

lol some old shitty book written by a Vegan Lefty.

Attached: hotdogs.png (1301x658, 62.08K)

It was kinda a shitty book desu

Jews like Hitler. Without Hitler, there no Holocaust, no reparation, no Jewish domination.

No, the establishment needs not-sees to fight

The word you are looking for is "To".

Attached: grammer nazi.jpg (672x900, 84.21K)

>Got my copy in
This sentence structure is unacceptable sir.

Attached: Rudolf Hess.jpg (474x335, 23.35K)

>It was kinda a shitty book desu
Mornin' Schlomo... Or should I say Shalom?

Seig Heil Bruder

Attached: Rudolf Hess Seig Heil.jpg (474x329, 47.2K)

You can put whatever pdf you want on kobo

MK Ultra mind control is Mein Kampf Ultra?

Attached: 1534792101155.jpg (224x225, 14.28K)

No. Its not even here banned. Dont make the Jews mightier than they actually are.

I don't see why they would. There are a lot of people, who aren't nazis or even racist, who just read it because they're interested in ww2.

the uncensored full English audiobook and PDF

i have them all.. except Murphy

last i heard/checked they banned this one on amazon


and it is because the Murphy translation beiing inaccurate and the controversy behind it
>no interest in that version

it will never be banned. It is a vital part of the Jewish Mythos around the holocaust.

I've only read about a third of it.
Most awe inspiring book I've ever read.

I think it's because I went through a similar journey, noticing jews writing media and newspaper articles that slander whites. (The only difference for Hitler was that they slandered Germans)

Also noticing the jews promoting race mixing, and other degenerate behaviours on the population.

Yep. Wish I was alive then.

No it's replacing Maus in schools all across America as we speak.

I've watched or read somewhere Trump was reading this shit leading up 2 his 2015 run....p funny

You can only get mistranslated or heavily edited versions. Unless you know German and have access to someone willing to sell you the original because you wont be finding it on eBay, Amazon or auction sites as they have banned the original version of the book.
T. Book Dealer