What made you turn fascist?

What made you turn fascist?

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Polish fascists. What a fucking joke

fair point

The truth.

The obvious coopt of all other poltical options

Leftists and niggers on Twitter. I used to be the typical lefty retard and they totally radicalized me because of their anti-white agenda

being emotionally abused in school

I mean your entire country is a joke

Sorry, I am not 13...

Being beaten around like a sissy bitch that i am by 6 feet Tall Masculine Black Males

I'm not. You don't need an ideology or a historical narrative to advocate for the interests of your folk.

It's a basic lifeform function to advance ones' own interest. Just love your people, do what's good for them. Ideology or any other particulars are secondary.

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My desire to finish Hitler's job and raise Poland to the ground

Mommy issues

Nigger stole my chicken tenders

>Being beaten around like a sissy that i am by 6 feet Tall Masculine Black Males
Sounds like you're describing your fetish

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Fucking idiot.

Don't speak to me

your entire country is a joke

The internet.


You did.

care to tell us about it user?


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The jews.

People just wanted to be left alone.

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>dancing jews in nyc on 9-11
>jews aid alqaeda
makes sense

What the fuck does the white jew star mean?

Ask WW1/WW2 Germany.

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It's like they are demons from hell. I had no idea until a few years ago it was this bad, they really made all the holohoax stuff up, it was them who killed millions of Germans.

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Bolshevik communists

It's the only way that makes sense

Bad storytelling

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meant to post this to go with the news one

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the fuckers are crazy, batshit genocidal Satanic crazy.

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