YOU WIN TRUCKERS. You've shown us the error in our ways and you will all be treated as you should. No vaccine mandates, no more shitty restrictive rules. As a matter of fact we'll increase your pay for a few dollars and give you more leave time.

We've also upgraded your truck that comes with a new AI system that will ASSIST you on long hauls. It doesn't do much now but it'll get better the more you drive with it, eventually it'll be able to automatically drive most of your routes for you haha.

Thank you for teaching us this valuable lesson. We're so glad this is all over, we'll make sure this never happens again!

Attached: ofc.png (576x566, 347.89K)

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AI is not advanced enough, and wont be for a long time.

Thousands of souls as you speak are in a Tesla with their ADAS enabled which just released the end of last year. They don't even need to touch the wheel in dense city streets.

Almost 5 years ago Teslas could consistently do no better than driving on a highway.

imagine believing the hype about self driving semis. that shit is on par with hyperloop and solar roads.

Attached: 9815961986.jpg (516x485, 24.57K)

AIs narrows problem set has grown very fucking wide as the years go by. More and more money is getting put into this and results have been tangible for years in cities like San Fran and NY. The recent trucker protests are making it more and more convenient to install hubs in other locations.

The last earth shattering invention was the internal combustion engine.
We have yet to make a breakthrough as significant as it since.

>we'll make sure this never happens again!
No, I will make sure it never happens again.

Attached: TIMESAND___Jesus.png (500x330, 255.55K)

Haha the installed system will only collect data buddy. Just imagine the fallout of a semi accident! Just drive your regular routes. Every so often it can give your arms a rest on your long haul, it can even switch lanes every once in a while. Just keep feeding it data about road conditions and how you react to things, your job is not at risk.

>Tesla with their ADAS
And 12 years ago there were self-driving cars on the google compound
That stuff only really works within fairly specific areas, under fairly specific conditions, on fairly specific vehicles.
The covid debate will be long past before they figure out how to adapt that system to american winter conditions, much less Canadian ones or just find a commercially viable way to upscale the sensor array for an 18 wheeler

Calm your tits, the collection system isn't even ready yet.

Honestly? AI driving is a pure pipe dream unless P=NP. Do you understand what I'm saying? And now what are some other consequences of P=NP? You're screwed either way.

Lol actual truck driver here. I got to go out and drive in this shit. Your shitty ai wouldn't make it out of the yard on a day like this, much less put it in a customer's dock. They get confused if the paint on the road isn't fresh. What are they going to do when the lots are covered in snow, much less ice?
Sure, ai does great in daylight on new, easily maintained roads and modern lots designed with 53' trailers in mind. But in the real world they can't tell the difference between an overpass and a shitty commuter weaving in his lane while texting.

You need more proof? They can't even put you shitty car drivers in self driving cars, and I wish they fucking would! As bad as is, most of you are worse. And of they can't run your uncoordinated ass from your driveway to a simple grid parking lot, they sure as fuck can't put a trailer in the average legacy dock your shit has to go through before it gets on your shelves.

Spray paint road sign symbols on the ground. Slightly alter a street sign or spray paint a line straight across it. It wouldn't be hard to fool the sensors run by the computer. First civilian death(or major accident) the whole system is done for

This has already happened and been covered up. That's why they haven't done it, but keep the tech around for show

>defeated by fog, heavy rain and snowfall
You'd better use weather control to make sure the conditions are optimal

what? What does this has to do with p=np? Its not an algorithmic problem. Its worse than that. Its a problem of how you act in reality. Which is an impossible problem to solve. Even we only approximate the solutions. The fundamental issue is that you can solve the very general case of driving on a high day. But there are so many rare conditions that cannot be accounted from regular data. It would require something like intelligence. Were you can make decisions not based on previous data but on "reason". In a just in time manner. Which is what we can do. Most of the time we don't think about driving. Its all automatized. There are very fast highly optimized fast paths in our brains that can do the task endlessly without tiring much. But you can encounter situations when it just won't cut it. You have to "asses" the situation and do something that was never done before and has no precedence.

People think that the tesla self driving is safe and idiots constantly kill themselves and others. If I see a tesla on the road its a liability. I don't know how its going to behave.

So much cope in this thread. Neural nets will absolutely BTFO human drivers. Every time you dumb fucks identify roadbobjects in a captcha, you're training the neural net that will replace you.

>highly optimized fast paths
Yes, that's what I was...forgive me...driving at. Best case scenario it can be framed as an optimization problem. An insanely complicated one, as you rightly point out, and even if P=NP it still may be too much to compute. But if P=/=NP, there isn't even any hope.

Well yeah its something like a search problem through an enormous possibility space. But what is even the criteria for a good enough solution? How would you even simulate internally if what you are doing is going to have an effect of what you "want". You know people say that ai can leanr to play chess and go. But those environments are very very constrained in terms of the possibility space. And the current fastest learner nets require obscene amounts of training data and time to train. While you can get the rules and can get to a good level with a couple of kb of data. Like play 3 chess games and you know the rules. Play a thousand more and you are good at it. The time is of course a different issue as we can't play a game in milliseconds. But if we could ai wouldn't stand a chance in its current form. Literally matrix level shit of 'I know kungfu'.

fuck the transistor, amirite?

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Attached: pol2.jpg (680x852, 90.95K)

Truckers own their truck, you stupid mutt mongoloid. Additionally, Elon, and by extension Tesla, supports the trucker movement. Not only will automating trucks NOT help you stop any further movements, it will only exacerbate them.

>But what is even the criteria for a good enough solution?
That's definitely another open question with no clear prospect for ever being solved. For something like chess, if you discovered the correct theory of advantage you could even potentially prove that, and then design an algorithm that never made a "wrong" move. But think of how long people have been studying chess, and they're not even close to being able to objectively evaluate possible moves or even say how many moves ahead have to be considered.

For something like driving, there probably isn't a "correct" theory of advantage anyway and it would have to be held to the standard of adequacy in practice. You would just have to settle for the AI driver statistically causing fewer accidents than human drivers before you could have any confidence in the program. But it's highly doubtful that it will ever even get to that point. Truckers certainly don't need to worry about their job security any time soon.

auto-trucks is literal cope. Not mention the logistic of substitute a entire fleet of transport vehicle, they can't even certify about safety. Anyone can stop these trucks and take everything with a little bit of ingenuite, not to mention they can't see roads that are not mapped, can't guarantee 0 accidents, so on and so forwards.
There's many problems with the idea.
Is just kike desperation propaganda that only urbanites believe in, since they believe anything.