But "Trust the science?"

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it was a concerted effort to remove Trump

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and no one will be held accountable

There wasn't any science being done in the first place. Science takes time to do properly and now real non-corporate scientists are slowly revealing the impacts of covid measures.

Hold me beer.

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Because is covid fault

Google data scientists wrote it and use it to guess things like "how many additional daily clicks does an ad campaign generate?"
Our World in Data:
Jewgle's own source when you search "daily COVID tests" or "daily vaccinations"

>The jab had an average causal impact of increasing COVID-associated mortality by 463.13%
>89.84% (115/128) of statistically significant countries showed an increase in total deaths per million associated with COVID-19 due directly to the causal impact of vaccination initiation

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Was an obvious scam from the start.

the first domino to fall right there. about as prestigious a group of authors and the institution, as there is

About everything.

They literally killed tens, maybe hundreds, of thousands of people for no reason whatsoever. That's the end result of all of this: a fuckton of collateral damage.


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deaths up 40% for 18-64

Yeah, they knew the risks, that brain thingy, gotta use it bro

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The sheep have pretty low or no standards on who they consider respectable and trustworthy leaders.

What an incredibly dumb comment, most science is paid for by taxpayers by nonpartisan bodies like NIH and NIST

but 0.2% is way higher than the over all deaths. i'm just a simple man. i don't do in %

no shit?

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This is a source that can be trusted because it confirms what I already believe


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Liberals will justify it by saying it was worth it just to save one life.

Who happen to be corrupt

When you really dig into it the "science" they were doing was not much different from what this board was doing. Taking official numbers and then just using math to come to a conclusion. Since the official numbers themselves are suspect you could have made a scientific paper saying whatever they wanted.

It wasn't a bunch of scientists in the field taking measurements themselves. It was government and NGO researchers going over official data to then add scientific legitimacy to whatever measures the government wanted to put in place.

We know damn well the government did everything it could to skew the official data in their favor

The emperor says he is wearing clothes. Govt officials agree the emperor is wearing clothes. The officials pay people to say the emperor is wearing clothes and to write papers saying he is wearing clothes using the information provided by the government officials. The absolute retards in our population believe the emperor has clothes on. Those brave enough to speak up and admit he's not wearing clothes are attacked

>paid for by taxpayers
>by nonpartisan bodies

>What an incredibly dumb comment

What an incredibly dumb comment. Most science is conducted by NGOs and corporations. The "science" that said that 99% of people hospitalized and dying of covid were unvaxxed came from research done by an NGO using incredibly skewed year to date data.

Thats like believing NASA built the tech to get us to the moon. No, private aerospace companies built that tech. NASA were just the recipients of said tech

Reduced by that percentage.
X%*.002= Y%
X% - Y% = New rate.
.02*.002= .00004
.02 - .00004 = .01996

>The emperor says he is wearing clothes. Govt officials agree the emperor is wearing clothes. The officials pay people to say the emperor is wearing clothes and to write papers saying he is wearing clothes using the information provided by the government officials
This they say something, pay a random inexperienced “expert” to go on tv and say it, then it’s fact and if you deny it you’re a nazi. Yet the facts in place keep changing, like Fauci saying masks or no masks, or saying the vaccine will 100% prevent you from getting covid and dying. It changes so much and yet normies still play the game and try to keep up with whatever is correct to say


I would bet money that most of the experts were actually dumb enough to think this lockdown idea was great stuff. Its exactly the kind of policy you get that has zero considerations for thinking out the consequences of actions and effects beyond one step.

Just tell everyone to stay home to minimize spread? Okay, sounds good on paper, but inevitably at least one person in the household has to go out for food and essential errands. So all the lockdown is accomplishing is cooping up whole households together, and ensuring they all get sick at once if just one person gets exposed.

I am the science pleb

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I know youre mad, but its the virus fault, user :)