>Thank you Canadian Military.

Thank you very much.
We're blessed to have you standing on guard for Canadian values.

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It's safe to say the truckers have won, how will they run Canada after they form government?

Well wtf did this snapper head think this would end? Military asking nicely and then what? These idiots can't think past their noses.

This is clearly a case for the UN to step in and help if I have ever seen one.

Face it Justin, you can’t win.

What should happen is a vote of non confidence, and we should go back to the polls to sort this all out.

Luckily we have a system of government that allows for such things, without burning the whole house down.

All within the Charter, and the law of the land.

>Or Trudeau can just end the mandates and other nonsense, and say sorry.

Attached: TrudTP.gif (480x270, 1.45M)

They must fo their job though, trason was comited and all failstops failed to act, including RCMP... And if things dont get cleaned they will destroy the land a d the world.

These fucks gave china access to our coms.
Medical records.
Emergency preparedness records and plans.
Woods, small towns, water areas...
Fingerprints that RCMP gets to check for employment and else...
You name it they gave it away, playing for global cabal and ccp.

Its Bad.
They gave them access tk our Labs, and most likely our secret labs and bases...

Calling for outside military intervention?

>OK Traitor, are you just sick in the head?

How many times did they vaxx you?

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It was clearly a joke fren. Something in line with his Mentor Schwab.

niggers blown the FUCK out

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same government that said mandating vaccines is out of the question

Truckers need to run with this and demand for Justin to resign instead of settling for mandates to be dropped. They need to demand BOTH.

Sorry my bad. Little touch these days kek

Have a wonderful night user.


Attached: prayerday.jpg (300x230, 22.22K)

Imagine being trained in the military and still being horrified of common citizens inventing new and fucked up ways to kill you.

This I see this ending with a vote of no confidence and a vote of a liberal majority gov because muh Quebecers are afraid of coof or CPC getting a majority under prime minister polleive after getting Quebec

Such a shock. The pledditors are running out of options and we're at the brink of mass suicides. Honk honk!

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>canadian military doesn't want to kill civilians
>welp better call in the blue helmets

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To be fair, military training today is learning about LGBTQQP and how to transition and shit like that.

Stephenville better be on the lookout for blue helmet plane arrivals at their recently sold billion dollar airport.

kek I fucking dare them.

I don't know how to mentally deal with all this pride i'm feeling for my country. I've never felt this before. Help me burgers. bros

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We are triumphant, fren

Based and candanadian Tier1 pilled

This seems like a pretty big deal because the military is rebuking the maple government, basically saying they need to unfuck this themselves.

lol, checked

People need to stop taking the shill bait. Any real leaf knows our military can't and won't do anything against civvies.

they're skerd

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Damn haven't seen these pics in awhile

Just know that despite everything great going on there you will always be a FUCKING LEAF

We need to demand arrests for treason and crimes against humanity.
Or genuanly we will all fall, out Nation our World.

I do get it "cool heads" and experts think that's too much... but where the fuck were they to stoo it to getting this bad, perhaps teir ways are too late by a decade or more and perhaps they are not bejng resanble and asymmetrical in terms of approximately responding at least to stand a chance at this.

We are dealing with a Ruthless death cult that has and does murder without a flinch, hence the wars... perhaps it's time to take off the gloves befkre our children get fully destroyed, Military is the Only hope.
Again, if civilians really take matters into their hands, if civilians are left with no choice because they will be Starved, both sides.... it's too late.

For gods sakes dont miss the last train.
Military must arrest them and set up a temporary governence untill reform and nee governence is implemented.
World will have to do this to avoid end of our Civilization.

Js it not Obvious now?
We are few summer firrs away, sprays from planes on crops and fertilize plant faliours to their next step, at which time we won't stand a chance, followed by weapons unleashed on us because we, the world by millions are resisting, we Know... they know we know, they cant move with plan A.
They will level us to build back better whats left.


Hey Leafs, you all have a Parliament system like the Bongs do.

Can Trudy's own party vote him "No Confidence" and formally depose him like the Bongs did to Churchill in 1945?

I'm thinking that whatever collection of mutated freaks is the party responsible for this goof, he's become such an embarrassment and liability to them that they might just shitcan him.
Tell him to stay, like Sadaam in whatever hole he's hiding in, and anoint a different Leaf with a mandate to form a government and defuse this situation.

Surely they recognize that Trudy's policy was utterly retarded on its merits, and they're NOT going to win against the truckers.

nice digits faggots

i havet seen this in MONTHS. let me search my gif folder

I'll gladly step in and do the dirty work. We'll make this the Canadian Tiananmen Square massacre.

Yes, up the ante. Or give them a deadline. Either drop mandates by date x or Trudeau resign AND drop mandates.

fuck i cant find it

we need assurances that rights and freedoms will never be trampled like this again. unless there is a legit pandemic like dead people in the street type of pandemic.

>We may need the military’s aid!
>and you’re not getting it, fuck off

Maaan, these pics came out before anybody knew anything about what was really going on.

That will happend when schwab master orders them, Pacification.
Then that will be the beginning of out end, so is is them not getting arrested.

The enemy has been using "saving face and cool heads" all the way here!
All it got us is the fine line btw a fight and death...

Lol that reddit post brings tears of joy to my eyes

Enjoy it while you can.

The sun rises on Chanada, and later on, the sun will set on Chanada.

If your truckers basically end up honking Trudeau out of office, your peculiarly irritating and endearing nation will ascend into the Pantheon of KEK Immortals...I shit you not, LeafBro!

i know i have it somehwre. hang on.

Let Quebec declare independence.
> And then let us help you conquer them
Whatever you need. North America is where the reclamation happens and Canada will be remembered and honored as the tip of the spear.
> You succeeded where we failed
> You showed bravery when we showed apathy and cowardice
I am PROUD to have Canada as a neighbor and ally.
Though I feel my government isn't worthy of the title, We The People of the USA will do our best to live up to the example Canada has set and drive this home.
> This is Clown World does and Liberty is reclaimed with Thunderous Honks!

Leafs get in here
Autism Required
Hivemind Resources Necessary
Redpills Needed
Sreenwriters appreciated


Has the patience run out yet?

idk dude there's a small chance there is a conservative majority. people are more sick of the covid narrative than ever and clearly the vaccines don't help any more now than they did in Sept 2021 during the last election.
bare minimum Trudeau needs to resign we can't have him running again we need someone who is going to at least pretend to talk to people in good faith none of this _____phobia crap every time someone takes an issue with his governance.

Or you could just kys and you wouldn't need to worry about it anymore?

The captcha even recommended a gun for you

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Please don't post I am no fap rn.

From who?
The ones who disregarded the assurances we had by law?
Assurances from treasonous tyrents?

No my friend, those days are long gone.
This is a different game, not playkng doesn't always win it, and playing it wrong will lead us to devestation.

The truth is grim and not for the faint of heart.
I'd rsther live he shame of ccp chinks laughing as traitors are arrested publicly, allthough that will fuck them too, then live to see Canada and Civilization be destroyed.

i dont fear the chinks. they wont invade canada or the usa if our govt crumbles. they literally cant and dont want to.

i want to see politicians and journalists and doctors swinging