I hate leftists so fucking much it's unreal

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Yep. The thought of them being disemboweled and hung screaming by their still dripping entrails like progressive liberal marionettes along with their children and loved ones gives me warmth in these chilly months. Take heart in the knowledge that most proud blue soft targets are easily removed.

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You shouldn't hate them
You should pity them
They are innocent victims of sophisticated systemic mind control

Are you right wing? bro your so cool you must be MGTOW. you're so redpilled. Can you teach me to be as Based as you


read Kaczynski and you will understand in full depth why they are like this.
oversocialization, no self-esteem, non-religious (death wish), hedonism, self-hatred, no pride in their past.
no one hates lefts more than themselves, not even (you).

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leftists or liberals? liberals are married to the system.

I agree, leftists are nearly as irritating as cuckservatives

Potato potato, they all bleed the same and are generally unarmed to boot.

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not asmuch as they hate themselves

That means the Russian propaganda worked.

Traditional right wingers are like animals, innocent and pure in their transparent self-interest. Meanwhile modern "conservatives" are just leftists 5 years ago. I hate everyone but leftists sin against beauty and truth and basically this

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I'm saving any empathy I can muster for
the victims of these lunatics

Shhhh be quiet, nigger

I love uncle ted fren. The thing I hate most is that they live to infect others and poison the world. They keep getting closer and closer to killing themselves en masse but hang on because they hate the thought of real people outliving their insanity.

woah you said the nigger word! it must be exciting coming here from r*ddit and being allowed to say the nigger word!

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2 sides of the same faggot ass coin. Conservatives exist as much as politicians are honest. You say liberals sin against beauty and truth, which they do but the conservative movement will forward the same goals just under a new label. It's all a scam, all government should be abolished man can look after himself.

Politics is essentially arguing which slave master will own you best.

Fucking thank you.

i choose god self and family

Good choice user