Sam Hyde is a Satanist?

Ive heard anons talk about how just about every single person who is known by the public through entertainment and politics is actually a groomed satanist put in place to play a role which has a predetermined end.
That end is a ritualistic death

Sam might be a propagandist for the incel culture

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-02-02 at 10.42.12 PM.png (783x584, 392.54K)

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Legit schizo

Your meds, take them.

That bitch got me kekking. Sam a real one for finding her. Best part of the bit by far

Sad smear attempt is obvious. He paid the bitch to be in the video you retard

Sam says that's an actress he hired for that documentary he did. But who knows, he is into weird little girls.

nigger that was some thot they hired to play his girlfriend to fuck with idubbz.
it even says this in your screenshot.
on top of this, sam's on record calling out adult swim execs for being gay pedophiles, and he got his show canceled after one season on a network that will air cartoons fuck each other and eating shit.
i would sage your shit thread but the rest of the catalogue is even worse.
fuck you nigger.

you guys are fucking retards
of course i know the story about her being hired.

But ask yourself....
Sam hired this girl and asked her to show off her tattoos.

Sam is a huge part of internet culture and hes always sucking on Rogans dick while at the same time telling his fans how blue pilled Rogan is.

Im telling you fucking faggots, hes an actor playing a role to entertain you so you will continue believing in government and money

user, he’s a fren irl. So the story is he basically just hired her for the day to act weird (like she already isn’t right?) there’s a weird punk/metal scene in the state and by her looks she’d be the perfect role to make iCuck uncomfortable.

What the fuck is that creature?

the explanation is in the video

But you understand he comes from money and has had the Media help his career right?
You think when the media makes a mistake its really a mistake?

He’s very much about money. That’s a huge thing for him, maybe because his past or crypto jew. Even his latest attempt at getting into NFT’s who knows, but yea money is what make the world go round

that wasn't his girlfriend, he paid her to be his girlfriend and then eventually hit on idubbbz and try to get with him. it was a bit.
but yeah he's jewish so you're right.

Hm, like I said, I know him irl and there isn’t a massive conspiracy or anything of the like, his people now are like young outcasts and degens

Dani. Her head weighs a lot, without the fluid in it, of course.

>but yea money is what make the world go round

Yeah. A good way to tell if someone is possessed by a demon is to see their reaction to religion and God. If it’s mocking and satirical there is a high likelihood they are possessed. It’s hard to explain but it not just straight fedora atheist dismissive but a very deep hatred sort of dismissive where their voice pitch changes and you can hear the anger in their voice

This is the 3rd "satanist" thread I've seen in the last few minutes
Are you off your meds, and creating multiple threads, or is this a glowie gay op?

I should have mentioned at the beginning of the thread

Im more of a Charles man myself

No shit. He's a lonely bitter man who admits to being a rich boy with no common sense. If you need to listen to Sam for advice you never had a decent father

You stupid nigger.

Has it occurred to you that a woman who behaves that way might not be quite right mentally, which leads to decisions on acting that way in front of a camera.
Go to be Sam it's late.

If Sam gets vaxxed, he's fucking donezo..

>unironic satanist panicer
what is it the mid 90's again? evangelicals are back in power clutching their pearls again about muh devil worship & muh satanism but now on Any Forums like do you know where the fuck you are mate?

>his people now are like young outcasts and degens
Sam Hyde = Dutch van der Linde

Attached: Sam van der Hyde.jpg (832x704, 37.9K)


She was a random crack head hired to trick ibubbz you moron.