Why won't she help us? I'm about to write her a letter soon

Why won't she help us? I'm about to write her a letter soon.

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Help you in what?

U think that bitch can read nigga she’s too busy eating baby brains and sucking dick nigga u stupid leaf faggot I hate u I hope u choke nigga fuck you

Because she's fucked in the head.

She's a reptilian

Her father was murdered because he didn't want to betray the Empire. She decided that the best way to handle things was to allow her children to inspire a diverse assortment of rape gangs, while permanently destroying her domestic demographics, and then pretended to actually matter for the next 70 decades. She will be the last monarch to rule outside of great britain and quite possibly the last within as well. Her family is despised. She destroyed a milennia old institution because she thought she was a jewess priestess and secretly dedicated her life to Rothschild zionism.
>Spit on this traitor's grave

>I'm about to write her a letter soon.
dang you must be mad

>Not understanding a constitutional monarchy

She signed our constitution. She could order her Royal Mounted Police to not interfere in freedom protests

Her family has been hanging around the wrong crowd. Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell the family might be too compromised and blackmailed to do anything.

Edward viii was the only good one

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She is one of them and you'd be mad to write to her. Do you not think she knows what is happening? There are too many of you. Most of you are mere peasants. Some of you even smell funny.

I'm sorry, but you have to go.

Too busy eating kids

Aren't we due to see her emerge in her new form this month?

Because she is dead and her death will be announced before the 23rd of this month.
Not that she would've helped you when she was alive, but, y'know.

His abdication was a protest of the callous murder these so called 'royals' inflicted on our families in WW1. They knew it was pointless, that it couldn't be won, that it was destroying Christendom, but they forced the war to continue anyway because they were hateful monsters accursed of God. Their entire family is cursed. We need to imprison them and adopt an American style constitution. They are evil, evil oathbreakers who have overseen decades of innocent death and persecution. Behold, the face of evil.

I think it's worth a try.
The tearing down of her statue and the one of queen vic happened on trudeau's watch. They can't be happy about that.


They seem to be pretty happy about the ten of thousands of raped little girls in England. I wonder why they hate children? I wonder why she has overseen the world's largest rape gangs? I wonder why she protected Epstein, Maxwell, and her own sweaty rapist of a son. I wonder....

>implying the elites being accused of raping then eating children is a big deal nowadays
It became background noise, NPCs are offended for a week then it gets memoryholed. Everyone knows the prince is a raging pedo and they just accepted it and moved on.

It's hasty to point the finger because we don't know who is responsible for the cover up. There are a lot of powerful people and groups who would've had the power to do so. The westminister pedophile ring, the freemasons who run the media, members of any one of the intelligence agencies. "Protecting the realm" is used as an excuse for these kinds of cover-ups just like how Ghislaine's contact book info was covered up to protect the public - by a US judge.

>keep voting to limit your monarch's power
>surprised when they can't do anything to stop the problem of democracy

Historically she is simply the British monarch who decided to not conduct herself in a queenly manner, watching her empire dissolve piecemeal and allowing the banking cartels that have always plagued that country and commanded too much political influence swallow the entire kingdom without a fight. Forget about who she is as a person, which was never very impressive to begin with, what she is as an historical figure is the anti-monarch monarch, the one who sat the throne trying on hats and waving to her subjects while her empire, a construct forged by the destinities and fortunes and bloodletting of hundreds of years of British sweat and sacrifice melted away into practically where it began a thousand years before. Less than that, actually, as they no longer hold the full territorial extent of the British Isles. Her commonwealth countries flounder under the yoke of another empire that forged its path by throwing off theirs, having sold their sovereignty in exchange for military alliance against boogeymen like China, who she only very recently ceded even more of her empire to, again without a shot fired. And yet despite all this she objectively enjoys more glorification than any British monarch could ever dream. Her image is broadcasted worldwide, with all of the royal pageantry that symbolizes nothing more than symbolism now. It's such a farce. It's such a goddamn farce.

And you know, when France had a monarchy they didn't let their queens rule.

>under her reign england is literally niggerfied and handed over to the jews
>she'll help you