Operation Black Rake General /obrg/ #2: The Fall Approaches

Get in here fuckers. We have discovered the way to end all of the bullshit mandates, expose the pedos and save western civilization. It all starts with Operation Black Rake.

>The Dirty Secret
Trudeau paid over $2 million to settle sexual assault allegations made by a girl under 13 in West Grey.


Even the deboonknerz call it “unproven” instead of denying it!

>The Attack
According to the article, the child cannot disclose what happened. If she tells the truth, she will have to pay "liquidated damages," or a set cash penalty. The child's liquidated damages are only 500k-1 million. This means that 500k is all that is separating Trudeau from instant (and justifiable) political death. It also exposes a G7 head of state as a pedo.

>What can I do?
Organize. I’m an American; I can’t do this for you and it will look suspicious. Someone needs to track down the girl, raise the money and push the message.

>Track Down the Girl
A Canadian needs to call the editorial staff at Buffalo Chronicle or Frank and get the ball rolling. Once she has been found, someone who is compassionate and gentle (preferably a woman) needs to talk to her and her father.

>Start a Fund and Raise the Money
If you pledge 500k toward her liquidated damages, she will be able to tell the media everything with no concerns. The truckers have already raised over 10 million. Divert 500k from the Trucker Fund, raise it independently; do whatever it takes.

A Canadian user needs to start a fund for legal defense specifically for her legal fees -only- and not for profit. It would also be helpful to have it supervised by a based Canadian lawyer or accountant. If you can do this, reach out immediately and take charge.

>Tell The Truth
Even if you can't raise the money, this plan needs to be made famous. Tell a fren.

Attached: TrudeauSchoolPicture.jpg (389x497, 107.24K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What makes you think I’d trust an American

Let me tell you something about Canada, that Americans would never understand. In Canada WE are the superior nation in every regard. You fat FUCKS always say “Canadians are obsessed”, but let me tell you something you ignorant school shooting, Mexican/black, OBESUM, and unclean and uneducated faggots; you would be ‘obsessed’ too if you were next to a disgusting and FAILED abortion of a country.

I’m PROUD of being Canadian. I’m proud of the fact that I’m NOT AMERICAN. Every Canadian worth his salt, syrup and Timbits is proud of this FACT

We have lots of immigrants in this country. And I can tell you with full confidence that I’d prefer 1,000,000,000 of each over a single American ANY day of the week. The moment somebody makes the choice to come here over the disgusting pile of REFUSE that is “over there”, they are by default SUPERIOR.

All of you had stupid spic parents that simply weren’t smart enough to come up here, and are of low class TRASH from all of your respective countries. And that’s a fact

In Canada you can be anything without the pain of being judged like you would in the capitalist aids-ridden hellhole down south. There is no such thing as crime here. There is no such thing as poverty here. No such thing as starvation. No such thing as sexual assault. And most of all, no such thing as being an AmeriFUCK.

Hell, I’m Canada you can be anything without the pain of being judged. You could literally be a purple goblin with a dildo on you forehead with sparkles and shit covering your feet and people would STILL understand, that’s how we roll, that’s what makes us superior.

Anything would be better as an alternative than being an American fuck up.

Fuck America and FUCK all the Americans reading this fucking comment


Is this (((their))) revenge for Pedeau fucking up the trucker thing?

We also need someone to make a pastebin or similar archive for easy reposting to keep it going. Does anyone know any free alternatives to pastebin that don't filter by content? Pastebin will not allow me to post this without an email address.




Attached: 0A448A22-D267-45B0-8835-DD49F104A898.jpg (828x437, 306.61K)

Editorial of more sexual allegations

Attached: 03EAB52B-6A3F-48FB-A49C-775AC4B6C258.jpg (324x1655, 579.02K)

Oh wait, not even Snopes is willing to touch this.

Attached: 1639959718449.png (1280x720, 1.68M)

maybe this viva frei guy on youtube can help hes a leaf lawyer seems kinda based, on the side of the truckers

This explains everything. Trudy is part of the elite because they all have this blackmail on him, so they can boss him around, but they dont even have to pretend to like him becuase he was already blackmailed and thus didn't have to take part in the usual humiliation/do something evil ritual. He doesn't have the status of the elites with MAD.


Attached: 1643843907447.png (390x586, 263.93K)


Thanks fren.

He is already guilty of genocide for the tranz kids.

>for images

have a boomp

Have a honk

First things first we need:
> Trusted third party to set up and manage a subscribestar/non-cucked account
> figure out a way to find out if the victim would be on board with the plan (ideally utilising said trusted third party)
Project Veritas might be a neat solution.
Random anons setting up fundraisers for $500k sounds like a recipe for jewish subversion

Start rounding up others to this thread

Got to open all the medical contracts he signed. And not in 77 years.

OP, more filler for the bread

This. Most likely requires careful handling. Someone blast the OP out to Project Veritas. Keep spreading the word and make memes.