Do the elites really have weird secret costumed sex parties?

Do the elites really have weird secret costumed sex parties?

Attached: 1200px-SMB2_Boxart.png (1200x1645, 2.6M)

why wouldn't they?

No we do not, now quit asking.

of course not op, but you should post face and eye color selfie of face so we can verify you are truly a fellow huwhite supremacist

What was the deal with SM2? I mean, I loved it as a kid (gen X), but it was so far off from SM1 and SM3.

look up doki doki panic





bot slide thread. random image search image, and a time wasting question. sage it

Was originally going to be Doki Doki something or the other but they needed a sequal to SM1 fast so just changed a few things to make it so.

Huh, I'll be damned. Thanks gents

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Fun fact: props and costumes produced for an ultimately cancelled sequel to 1993's Super Mario Bros. The Movie eventually wound up in Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut.

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SMB2 was the Westernized version of Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic, a Famicom Japan only title. Japan's SMB2, which graphically looks the same as SMB1 was re-released as the "Lost Levels" on Super Mario All-Stars on the SNES.

Attached: smb2.jpg (630x1111, 244.07K)

considering poor people still do this at generally any con or meetup I'd say yes

>box says Mario Madness
>Mario clearly has a dream in game
they lied

>why wouldn't they?

Were those supposed to be "shy guy" costumes?

Shyguys, Tweeters, Phantos, they're all there.

Attached: smb2masks.jpg (581x398, 34.85K)

>wealthy merchant and trannies abducting arab children
What did miyamoto mean by this?

>trannies in SMB2
Shit, forgot about that one

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Kek...stories foretelling the coming dystopia of the now

1988 was such a long time ago
Good memories though