Well, Any Forums?

Care to explain?

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there's nothing to explain, they're right

I never said they didn't work at all, they just don't work well enough for me to risk getting one.

Sunken Cost Fallacy would like a word with you.

They literally made up data in ms paint and presented it as an argument.

Heres the actual official properly done randomized controlled trial data. Done under optimal conditions before vax resistant strains and on people with no natural immunity.

Wow the vax is shit

Attached: 1643496829407-pol.jpg (923x1774, 1.1M)

Still not working, vaxxed people shouldnt be in the hospital at all, certainly not at the same numbers as unvaxxed

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Now lets see the deaths and include the last month.

Most data I've only lasts from May-December 2021

> paints a circle with 50/50 un/vaccinated
> to explain majority of hosp are vaccinated
> 50/50

Attached: 20211127_064440.jpg (720x447, 59.13K)

The hospitals are so full of the vaccinated, we can’t let unvaccinated people in anymore

Fixed it for you

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Just because they're technically right doesn't mean it isn't pure cope
Their brains rebel when they type this shit because they know there should be no red dots at all, period, but they don't want to admit that the people they look down on got to the same end point as they did when they did everything they were told to
It's honestly really sad when you think about it
I'll forgive anyone who admits they were wrong and regrets taking the juice. I wouldn't wish coming to that realization on anyone.

you wouldn't be so silly as to not include age groups would you? you know what a bell curve is correct?

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not fully accurate, hospitals have been seeing 90% vaccinated hospitalization rates all over, 6 months ago, the UK and massachussets reported over 90%

Stop posting Jewish trickery

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Just looking at the US, they've got a vaccination rate of 65%. So what percentage of hospitalisations are unvaccinated over there?

Vaccination day 1 through day 14 = Unvaccinated.

The "vaccines" are leaky and caused Omicron surge, are dangerous and cause ADE/VAIDS.

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around 10%

>proceeds to make argument against totally different thing

They said the vaccines would stop covid and everything would go back to normal

The vaccines did not stop covid, and nothing went back to normal

Fuck off, niggerfaggot

Sure. Just read this: skirsch.com/covid/All.pdf

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What a brilliant leafpost
Very true. Their entire narrative requires extensive twisting of words and facts, selective inclusion and exclusion of information, and total misrepresentation of reality. In other words, pilpul. Pilpul requires a two way interaction with give and take interactions to work. Their whole thing is twisting your mind into a pretzel.

The explanation is that vaccinated and unvaccinated are arbitrary categories that do not mean what the terms imply. That's why after vaccination mysteriously a lot of "unvaccinated" start dying from heart attack and other things unrelated to COVID. But you see, all these people dying coincidentally after vaccination are "unvaccinated", so don't think it could be the vaccine's fault, okay?

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