This is a public service announcement directed to all my white brethren, but specifically targeted to the Masonite and O9A groups.

Stop your indecent behavior, this is a tactical mistake.

Normal people do not gaze upon you faggots for inspiration, they do not imagine what it would be like to be a skull-mask wearing sadist whos sexually attracted to children. This personification only intimidates Whites into further neo-Liberal complacency while they frown upon your unsolicited behaviors; including but not limited to taking drugs, unlawful/unsportsmanlike killing, and sodomy. There have also been rumors of satanic practices which involve cutting runes into people's skin.

You degenerates are misrepresenting the White race while expanding the mainstream narrative that all Whites are all "Nazis" and "Psychopaths" who should be treated like criminals and second class citizens.

If you are White, you have an obligation to correct this behavior if you witness it and to make sure everyone knows who these people are.

If its serious take it to the authorities.

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Other urls found in this thread:

(((National Socialism))) is Jewish. The real holocaust was Hitler invading all of his white neighbors and killing 40 million of them, and then helping found Israel by transporting Jews there and giving them economic support.

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o9a did nothing wrong

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You know that just putting a star of david in front of a person doesnt make them jewish right?

The Nicki (neets-key) are Szlachta. They're Polish, not żyd.

This user is right (but not for the reasons he imagines).

O9A was a glownigger run gayop from day one.

You're not far off but your pic is stupid disinfo

message to OP: kys faggot

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You're disgusting.

tongue your own anus.

skull masks are cringe and lame if your intention was to try scare, you only trigger impulse to pull the trigger

Hitler invaded his neighbors and killed 40 million of his white neighbors; If Hitler hated jews, why did he help them migrate to Israel? Who did he really hate again? The numbers don't lie.

40 million whites vs 6 million jews?

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O9A was run by a fed specifically to push impressionable, unstable white nationalists into illegal behavior. Your message should be to leave fed honeypots

As well as atom waffen which had the same aesthetic.

Save your breath leaf. Them dudes are all feds and making normal white people disgusted is their reason de etre.

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Those that side with jews deserve their death. I'm a Lech, and I even see what Bandera did as not a crime.

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o9a guy in dallas told me I had to rape a chick if I wanted to join lol

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>oy vey goyim, remember the 40 gorillion

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I appreciate the sentiment.

degrade me daddy

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>impressionable, unstable white nationalists into illegal behavior.
Are the Autistic Ones at high risk?

you must be super fucking retarded to believe this shit. like you just must never seen any documentary about the second world war or ever read a book about the world war to believe this shit. you must be inbreed-nigger-muslim tier retarded.

Siegetards and their ilk exist only to shit up the nationalist sphere with as much calculatedly objectionable behavior as possible.

They are the 2nd slice of bread in the kosher sandwich, the 1st being the peddling of conservatarian dogfuckery, such as "muh constitution", "run for school board", "check out this based republican", etc.

The whole point is you join by deciding you join.
There is no real structure or organisation of any kind.
Killing that man would have been justifiable.

>Normal people
Get fucked normie faggot

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Exactly. People are too entrenched with party politics to realize the things that actually matter in life.

Doubt it.
There is no centralisation or power structure. It’s all self guided initiation and rites.
Why would they make a honey pot that never communicates with other members, never calls themselves anything identifiable, has no accountability beyond your personal actions etc

Why the fuck would I take anything to the authorities, faggot?


white nationalism is a joke the only people who fall into that thinking are evidently degenerate retards

Shut up faggot chink

If its mutually beneficial why not?

I think it would work better if we all did it instead of just a subset. I bet everyone would leave the country including jews.

None of this will help or solve anything, only procreating and having children (which many "leaders", political groups and fringe "terrorist" groups are not even doing). Literal victory is through numbers game -- that's why Islam will win in Europe.

kill yourself liar

Because the authorities have proven they have a vested interest in harming whites.
I ain't reporting shit to anyone.

>Us Chapter

Says it all. There is no such thing as chapter. They took what is basically a political philosophy and turned it into an organised group.