He has a point

>I have infinitely more respect for the people entering illegally through the southern boarder because they love this country more than many people who live here
Most Amerifats don’t give a fuck about freedom and liberty

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Then why don't they fix their own country

The wolf sneaks in not because he likes the farmer, but because he likes the meat

We're gonna inherit USA no cap.
Fr fr

They don't "love the country", they come here to make more money and send it back to their family.

>because they love this country more than many people who live here
We all know that's not why they come here, though.

Attached: effects of immigration act of 1965.jpg (1240x1142, 183K)

This. They want money and pussy not freedom.

>literally the immigrants are the real Americans...
Tim Pool makes everyone dumber for watching him


Exactly. They all plan to leave and retire there at some point. Dim Fool is a midwit.

They're not coming because they love the country, they're coming to take advantage of the country.

Because USA has an excellent marketing.
Hollywood movies show Americans as happy, rich, successful people 24/7.
Once you enter and live here a little, you’ll immediately start noticing BS and empty shell of former self.
Americans who were born here know it, foreigners who see pretty Hollywood marketing candy don’t.hvrks

>the people entering illegally through the southern boarder because they love this country
they love free shit and material prosperity, not "muh freedom"

Because they want someone else to do it.

>dim fool has an opinion
uhh no thanks

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>because they love this country

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You're going to die in a series of horrible industrial accidents for car wraps and colored denim.

Reminder that Tim Pool has FUCKED all of your political e-girl waifus.

Hard to fix your country when it’s been the victim of racist foreign policy for hundreds of years meant to deliberately keep it down.

this grifter spent two months following the election fraud lol, something he was clearly concerned about at the time

so oh ya, his stance was 'get over it' lol

This. As with the UK, they come for what they can get then do everything they can to turn the country into the shithole cave they left behind. They do not love at all.

no, they are just free loading

moisturize me.

Tim Pool is a dim fool

But they don't love your country, they come for the money.

Fuck off Tim. You're a fucking kike enabler. I'm so fucking sick of this faggot lately. Now he's exposing himself for the rat that he is by crying about Whoopi Goldberg. I seriously wish someone would beat the shit out of him already.

that is an assumption on his part that is in no way supported by reality.
if you have two monkey cages, one filled with bananas and the other filled with dry old hay.
the monkey choosing the cage with the bananas is not doing it out of love for the cage.

as usual this bald fucking retard. is a bald fucking retard.
anyone that listens to him is probably ALSO a bald fucking retard.
also look at the background, he has a gay katana and a flint-lock pistol, i mean, and then theres the electric guitar with the worst color imaginable.
what kind of mental degeneracy even is this.

tim pool is a broken clock

Fuck people who don't respect the concept of citizenship

Tim Pool is the biggest internet tough guy faggot I have ever seen. All he does is pretend to be mad with really fucking bad acting like that thing he does where he grunts every word because he's SO MAD, guys. And he shit talks nonstop. Meanwhile he lives off superchats he doesn't read in a gated community in a mansion and he calls the cops at the drop of a hat.

fucking retard on display
they dont love this country they love gibs.

cucks gunna cuck

It's funny how this ugly bald chink mutt will say this shit in the one country where he's allowed to do so. How about open borders for Israel, hm?

Got to love how he pretends he's the exact same as the 'common folk' yet lives in a McMansion and makes a living reading CNN articles and Reddit/Twitter posts all day.

Fuck your face. I live near the AZ border and even the legal mexicans don't want these people coming illegally.

Yes we love patriots fleeing their homeland for greener pastures.

Very well said.
OP is a faggot.

Attached: racoonsWelcome.webm (676x872, 2.99M)

Clearly the man has taste, to me it looks cool, he’s an old school warrior if he was saying shit that you agreed with you’d like it too

what a fag

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This lmao. Tim Pool is a fucking retard. People cross borders to extract resources, stay until a country is a carcass and then move to the next. They are called nomads and they are a cancer (especially jewish nomads) to local population, environment, wildlife and culture.

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As cute as that is, I cringe at the unhealthy chemical waste that's all over those potato chips. All those racoons will probably have the shits after eating even one chip.

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