9/11 research

Looking for resource recommendations for further study into 9/11

I've already read Judy Wood's book and listened to her presentations

Also found septemberclues.info/ , a documentary that examines the doctored footage of planes hitting the towers

What else should I look into?

Attached: plane.jpg (1264x1418, 107.07K)

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You should look into why you’re so fucking antisemitic

shh kike

This is the ultimate 9/11 truth video. I cannot recommend it enough.

Attached: 1601779314322.jpg (474x391, 27.45K)

ryan dawsons documentary is enough all by itself

9/11 happened exactly as you saw it and exactly as described on the day.
If you weren't born then or were too young to know what was going on then you're out of luck.
Nothing since that day has described it or shown it properly and it never will.


Does it talk about Israel's involvement?

Christopher Bollyn
Ryan Dawson
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth

Check out the YouTube channel “canofcarnage”

He has made 2 awesome compilations called dustification part 1 & 2 which has all the best footage of the towers being destroyed

it was a saudi attack
and it is fact that israel had advanced knowledge of it as they warned the US about something unspecific

the dancing israelis show that they likely had more intel than they transmitted

saudi arabia did 9/11 and Israel could have prevented it

somehow the US goes after saudi and israeli enemies like Iraq and afghanistan

you have been betrayed by your leaders

based and PNACpilled
fuck neocons


DEWs didn't bring down the towers, Nanothermate did. The reason you can still find Judy Wood's stuff on youtube is because it's steaming bullshit.
The columns were painted with nanothermate, the planes were the igniter.
Judy Wood is certifiably insane.

911 is done by kikes and their fellow kikes (saudies)

the ultimate goal was to destroy iraq and the Ba'ath party (threat to israel), syria was after and somehow survived. we expect them coming back but america wont shut up ofc

Attached: 1639321364971.webm (1920x1080, 1.6M)

Watch these documentaries and you’ll need to look no further…(watch in this order)
>Part 3, a continuation of the last two is supposed to be released soon.

The documentary “Loose Change” is ok but steer clear of all the other because the plagued with red-herrings designed to throw you off the trail.

Watched this one and it’s full of red-herrings and doesn’t go into detail about the Dancing Israelis. I’ve seen them all and only these are based (with the top two being the most based).

A lot of the evidence she presents can't be explained by nanothermite, like mid-air dustification, toasted cars, fusion of dissimilar materials (hutchinson effect), etc ...

>doctored footage of planes hitting the towers
How many hours have passed since your last meds?

Also, the statement Rumsfeld made the day before 9/11 regarding the missing DoD funds is a red-herring. While a lot of the paper audit support may have been destroyed by the plane that hit the pentagon, the argument that this one one of their motives is laughable on its face because if they really wanted to cover this up they would’ve never made a public announcement. And yes, a plane did hit the pentagon. Queue JIDF shills

9/11 is a conspiracy within a conspiracy. Beware while researching this topic, it gets crazier and deeper than you may initially think.
>pilots for 9/11 truth: it was impossible to maneuver the planes in such a way to hit the towers with that precision etc, planes were flying too fast at that low of an altitude and should have broken apart before impacting the towers. The alleged hijackers failed pilot training and couldn’t even fly single engine Cessnas let alone a passenger jet
>Dr. Judy Wood: the towers were turned to dust midair, seismographic readings should have read a much larger collapse given the sheer size of the towers. Cars were somehow melted and flipped over several blocks away. Some kind of secret weapon was used to destroy the towers and do this. People were jumping out of windows because their skin felt like it was burning because the weapon used functions similarly to the military’s active denial system
>WTC 7 wasn’t hit by a plane and somehow collapsed
>civilian airliners have back doors in their software to enable ground control to seize control over an aircraft to prevent hijackings from occuring - why didn’t they use this, or did the powers that be use this same software to fly the planes into the towers remotely?
>cell phone calls from airliners were impossible back then. One passenger said in a whisper to a loved one over the phone “it’s a frame”

Good luck user

After the Jews kill the Whites the Blacks are next

Attached: nose out.jpg (435x328, 15.44K)

Some boomer cringe for sure, but good nonetheless

That's not the nose of the plane, its debris, fire and smoke from the explosion, dumbass.