NPC acquires conscience

How can we replicate his results onto other NPCs?

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How many of you anons debate your brains and get caught up in shitty arguments and rants that last a bit? It's like it talks back and calls me out when I say something it considers false

Ah, the Asian NPC finally awakens.

Don't most people go through this at 14 when they first try weed?

no ive always been a human
this is just schizophrenia i think

I don't literally hear voices user, but I feel the burning if something is inconsistent and suddenly I feel the need to explain myself

I do this.
It gets particularly annoying when I'm trying to fall asleep and my brain tells me a funny joke. I start laughing, which wakes me up, and the next thing I know it's 3am and I'm still awake, with work in 3 hours.

Go fuck yourself with this nonsense, shill. You are the NPC.


my freshman yeah in college we had to take a Health class for some reason. the professor was a former medical doctor and loved teaching this one class every year to undergrads. every class he started at 7am with a ten minute silent meditation period. a lot of people would doze. sometimes someone would fall asleep. the professor loved it all. just taking the stress out of fifty people starting their day was reward enough.

well anyway. doing nothing for ten minutes is more than enough time for self-talk word-thinking to start. npcs never notice because of overstimulation and short-circuit reflexive social behaviors that are the dominant form of modern thinking. stop, relax, think about nothing for ten minutes and you cannot stop the word thoughts.

finally, once in this ten minute rest session the halter top knot of the hot girl slipped loose and fell exposing her breasts. since the class was sitting in the dim morning sunlight with its eyes closes (except me), i watched her breasts for a minute or two until a subtle cough and shoulder tap from the professor caused the girl to adjust herself.

i wonder if it was on purpose. anyway i smiled when she opened her eyes and she blushed but returned eye contact. id have liked a girl like that.

Fucking schizos.

It’s why I’m so steadfast in my political and other views, the idea that someone just goes “hmm yeah transgenderism good, why wouldn’t it be, freedom” is worrying.

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If you're arguing with yourself, That's called schizophrenia.
>Take your meds schizo.

You are just a schizo incapable of changing his beliefs.

>anons are so lonely they talk to themselves

No actually that "voice" in your head you're arguing with is just another persons consciousness.
When you're arguing with random entities in your head, you're actually telepathically communicating with other people, just none of us realize it.

Braindead zombie slav detected.
It's okay, I'm part slav too but was born with a fully-functioning brain. You who are lower than even the gook redditer in OP cannot hope to understand without some sort of epiphany.

They're just shills shitting up this board and making it seem like if it was a meeting ground for the insane.

It only really occurs with me when I'm writing. I tend to argue with themself about how a sentence is written or where it should be written. I get called nigger faggot a lot.

>can understand every single word.
Proceeds to type a rambling paragraph filled with misspelled words.

Good ol' adversity. NPCs are a direct result of never experiencing any adversity.

Yes, but I don't like to talk about it. I thought everyone did until a few years ago.

Yes, I also replay past confrontational conversations and come up with better responses.

The power of Christ compels you!

You could make an argument that individuals that don't do this are hardly human.

>My friends stop existing when I no-longer see them
Based toddler brain retard