We are so fucked

Do you really think people are going to die in a war against a country that a bunch of kikes and boomers sold out to decades ago? Not to mention zoomers already love communism. I say take all boomer wealth to fund the war and let them starve.

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Israelis fund domestic terrorism in America

The FBI plotted the kidnapping of a governor last year. Their opinion is worthless.

copied from Say whatever you must, but PLEASE, I implore you, tell everyone you know that the US and UK needs to go to war with China. I want to see a different world. we are expected to die without producing a tangible difference for the next generation. we have the tools to prevent that. for the first time, a group of people is truly out of the control of their issuers. we can fix this.
It must happen. we have pulled so close to souring our appetite, anything that can be concreted as a pretext for engagement must be amplified. I ask you from the bottom of my heart to lie, to do things that will go against your nature. it will feel wrong, but know that it is necessary. we must all of us drive America into war with Russia and China. I forget who said it, "war is but the unfolding of miscalculations." US Military strategists have pushed AGAINST a war, that's why you should be pushing for it.
Even in limited scope. with reticence, know this is the right thing.

Anyone who thinks a full scale war with China is a bad idea is themselves, a Chinese psy-op component. you're being told that they're not the problem, you're being told that they're the victim here. I say we show them what a victim looks like. tell your family, tell your friends, tell people you see in the store. For the survival of America it is absolutely imperative that we go to war with China as soon as possible.
We must be ready to fight and win against the Chinese, there's only one way forward, and that is through the red. If anyone among you doesn't have the gall or the stomach for this you should do yourself in before they do it for you. We must muster a robust, effective and vicious defense. Please, tell everyone you know push as hard as you can no matter what you have to say, or by what mechanism or form of parlance. Let your message be, war with the Chinese now. And let it be heard loudly.

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I love China

FBI doesn't care about that they care about protecting defense contractors IP

Wait, what happened to white supremacy being the biggest threat?

The greatest threat to America and all the world is Israel. Glass it

>notice me fbi

And then unironically keep a record of it stored on public-private ledgers

>China poses a huge threat to US
>still allows travel
>still buoys their economy by massive trade imbalance
>things we never did with Soviet Russia

never happen
Boomers are too programmed to see the light
Politicians are owned by jews


cool story kike bastard

Why are they demonizing their own people and using the security state against them if China is such a massive threat? Are these people simply morons?

Oh now they openly talk about it, doubt they will ever change their policy stance on economic ties and trades with the chinks.

Mark milley is going to die for his treason. Mark milley is a ccp agent. Mark milley lives on borrowed time. Mark milley works for china.

How much time would you say he has?

Lel like they dont have nicknames for everyone here. Hahah thats a funny.

Milley wears makeup cause he worships Azazel

Oh really, I thought just a couple months ago the FBI was saying domestic white people who voted for Trump were the biggest threat to this country?

If they ever do invade this country I'm going AWOL.

clearly the biggest threat the the American people is the fbi

fbi has been and always will be run by self serving retards

I was told that according to the FBI director, white supremacists are America’s greatest threat. So are the Chinese white supremacists now?

both are bad however the fbi causes more immediate innocent American deaths than chyna

I thought White Rage was the greatest threat to America according to all of Biden's jews? Xi is not White and has no power therefore he cannot be as imminent a threat as Racism is.