So are conservatives just fucking dumb or do they hate humanity?

So are conservatives just fucking dumb or do they hate humanity?

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I have no idea...

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>shilling left v right paradigm in the year of our Lord 2022

It's a class war, but ultimately conservatives are the useful idiots of the wealthy that are preventing us from ending these issues at the voting booth

They are just as dumb as democrats/liberals it's just a different type of dumb


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>class war
The non-jew class vs the jew class
>the wealthy
The jews

>ending these issues at the voting booth
There is no political solution.

But. But. But. Obama bailed wallstreet out. And he did the same war stuff. And made healthcare much more expensive. Made ethanol into a renewable fuel. Spent big on renewables yet nothing happened.

Its not a dem vs rep problem. Its a government bs problem.

Even if you want to live out your kike vs non kike delusions, the laws Republicans pass to benefit corporations still benefits kikes

Implying 90% above is not direct shenanigans of US corporations and their leftist lapdogs lel
remember how you imbeciles woved about the war with russia when your russiagte narrative crumbled?
Now tell us the sweet story about how you invest in public schooling for the good of manlind and the ebulh consrvatives dtop you.
Bonus points if you explain how the public school system produces illiterate thug nigger and how it's normal for billions spent.

Obama was not progressive enough, we need a president willing to hold the wealthy accountable at a time where he can get the support he needs in the house and the senate.

Healthcare only works as long as people are actually responsible, else it'll break.
Implying Democrats aren't the ones doing this shit. Lets look at Flint, constructions in WA and other shit? Yeah.
>public transport
Not free and feel free to carpool if you really love the smell of sweat that much.
Funny way of saying propaganda.
>renewable energy
Turbine blades and solar panels aren't recycleable and worse for the environment than nuclear.
>clean environment
See above, equally filthy mongrels. I can't be arsed posting a picture of sliced up/fried birbs for sympathy.
>feeding the poor
You need to be forced by the government in order to be a good samaritan? Says more about you than anything else.
>public elections

Conservatives are the corporate lapdogs dipshit, Trump slashed corporate taxes

Clinton wasn't progressive enough
Obama wasn't progressive enough
Biden isn't progressive enough
>Insert next democrat

This, unironically. Gore has his victory stolen from him and Sanders was denied the nomination by internal rigging from the DNC

This is why America truly is beyond cucked.

hate humanity. problem?

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>are the corporate lapdogs dipshit,
Says the mommy's little revolutionary who had been supported by literally all the major corporations during the blm riots? Try harder faggot.
Please, i will sit and listen how the whole support of the corporations during last five years and the democratic party mentioning the war on "le ebul enemy" like it's 1984 is AKCHUALLY the republican master plan.
Lay you intellectual superiority here bitch, i am waiting to hear the stories about your macdonalds promocode anarchists fighting the SYSTEM lmao.

almost as if oil is the lifeline of our industrial nation and the wars to keep it flowing are more essential to our economic survival than faster trains or newer textbooks

>So are conservatives just fucking dumb or do they hate humanity?
Are liberals? You all vote for the same thing you hypocrites

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The defense budget exists to keep the peace around the world.
Peace means stability which leads to economic growth. For example if we didn't care about israel they would be taken over by muslims and the Suez Canal can be shut down to the west.
Covid proved we can afford both military spending and welfare/infrastructure spending. GOP will never want to help the poor but Democrats can't otherwise they have nothing to run on. Both parties work for the interests of big business.