ADL changes definition of racism after Whoopi's comments

Pray we do not alter it any further.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>racism no longer has to do with race

Looks like South Africa is about to have some fun in a box.

its kind of comical at this point but extremely sad at the same time.

They’re going to drop all pretense soon and just define it as when non-jews do something jews don’t like

Lets see if we can get Whoopi to Classify the ADL as an active domestic insurgency of palestinian occupiers.

Can somebody explain to me why the fuck jews are mad about this? I thought they hated being called a race? I thought Hitler was conducting genocide on basis of religion and not race? Am I missing something?

The change is actually based. Original definition was "white people ebil"

They finally admitted it, only WHITE people can be racist.

What does that mean?
Explain it in basketball terms...
Hitler is now officially one of the good guys?



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>new definition means that the ADL were themselves racist for having the old definition
I'm guessing this is why it's "interim" while they try to figure out how to say "doing things jews don't like" without being too explicit.

Is Whoopie a Chud now?

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But jews are a religious community - not a race or ethnicity.
Why don't they just come out and say it?

based nigger

Didn’t they JUST change it a few days ago?

Hadn't they already changed this on their website in the last couple of weeks? Did they change it again just to spite this one nigger?

That's a doubleplus good rewrite!

They want the privilege of using their similarity to us to shill against actual whites. It's active camouflage and whoopi turned it off on national TV

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>OY VEY We can't have the whites and niggers coming after us at the same time.

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>our chud

>interim definition

The cultural marxist Jews pushing this shit are not religious, but they still like being able to leverage their Judaism.

I like how they take the positive approach (is when favor shown) rather than negative (is oppressed/beaten/lynched.)

Lol this is amazing. According to the ADL's new definition of racism black people are the most racist. I mean we already knew that, but it's nice of them to catch up.

> Racism occurs when individuals or institutions show more favorable evaluation or treatment of an individual or group based on race or ethnicity.

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The NPCs are so programmable that anything that comes out of that box is believed by the majority. Suspending her will just wake up more blacks. Jews are being retarded and I love it.

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seems like fake drama for muh #weremember
then tgeres the spotify/rogan soap opera and ukraine meme war, and this hbcu (((bomb threats))) during nigger faitigue month. many gay ops happening at any given time

I'm so confused. We're reaching levels of Judaism that shouldn't even be possible.

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LMAO! This is hilarious. Those fucking Kikel hypocrites.

>stay tuned for updates once we figure how to spin this

>*beep boop*
>definition successfully updated

In their minds this is still white people. They need to break their programming and understand. We all know who ran the slave trade. Niggers to to educate themselves and there is the problem. Im ready to go to nigger areas and just preach and hand out flies explaining the slave trade and current situation.

but that definition means google is racist for promoting businesses owned by coloreds

They changed it again? They changed it just a few days ago to make it only a white human thing.

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I can still be racist towards Dutch for instance although they look just like me. If I said I hate the Dutch because Ajax beat Munich, it's a mild hate crime with racist undertones.