Bros what is happening to Reddit

I browse the homepage of Reddit a few times a day to see what people are complaining about/see what narratives are being pushed. As you know normally it’s pretty much an echo chamber for certain sets of ideas and even topics. Often times discussion of certain topics never even begin because moderators remove them so quickly. However, lately I’m noticing threads making to the front page which I would typically assume to be taboo on Reddit. For example the thread linked is discussing why Jews are a race and a religion. Now when I read the comments of post like this I’m expecting to see a certain style of reply, but what is weird is, I don’t. Sometimes it seems like lively debate is happening! In other thread, the comments are littered with people calling a black women racist for a tweet. I saw a post on here a few days ago about The Shift….well I think something is shifting…

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Other urls found in this thread:

the homepage of reddit is handpicked racebaiting garbage you cant go a single minute of scrolling without whitey getting the backhand by a based black man. I swear to God himself when I get conscripted I'm gonna kill as many chinks as humanly possible till my last dying breath.

>I browse the homepage of Reddit a few times a day
you should just kys for being a braindead faggot.

>thinking judaism is a religion rather than a racial purity cult
nothing is shifting

I would make babies.

That’s what I’m saying, stuff is starting to slip through the cracks

HOLY SHIT reddit waking up! HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!
kys yourself opie

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>”I browse R*ddit a few times a day because I love to suck cocks”


Seeing her in that natural squatting position, I can't help but picture her dropping a huge log of shit out of her ass onto my face.

>racial purity cult
If they are a purity cult then they're pretty damn bad at their job. It's like saying they are genociding the Palestinians
>send 400,000 into exile
>there's 6 million of them 6 decades later
Genetically the average jew isn't even 1/3 hebrew, and there's plenty of populations that are closer.

>something is shifting
Is it the twice used condom you lost up you anus a few months back?

Indigenous Europeans are the human race. Chinks are bugs and niggers are monkeys.

Imagine storming the gym and stabbing her in the neck haha

>a racial purity cult
>matrilinear society
man, have you seen the mystery meat those people are, that's as far from racial purity as can be nigger

what's a reddit?

>If they are a purity cult then they're pretty damn bad at their job

they pretend to be one, doesn't mean they are good at it.

they prevent (what they perceive to be) partial-jews from marrying the priestly caste. they also claim chosenness is based solely on ancestry.

>Genetically the average jew isn't even 1/3 hebrew, and there's plenty of populations that are closer
nothing they can do about that since the mixing was centuries ago

still, they discriminate against mixed jews and refuse to let them interbreed with the super-jews (levites, cohens, etc)

see you're misunderstanding what i said. i didn't say they're racially pure. they're a racial purity cult

they also believe they are god's chosen race, and that all non-jews were created by their tribal diety, yaweh, to be the owners and rulers of the earth
they believe that non-jews are subhuman, created to serve the jews

this is schizo-tier stuff. but that's what the "religion" of judaism teaches

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>and that all non-jews were created by their tribal diety, yaweh, to be the owners and rulers of the earth
i meant that jews were created the be owners of the earth, and non-jews were created essentially to be slaves

One can see a quite explicit statement of this theme in the book of the Jewish "prophet" Isaiah. In the 60th and 61st chapters of Isaiah, the "prophet" raves that eventually all the wealth of the Gentiles shall be delivered to the Jews, that the Jews shall "suck the milk of the Gentiles" (60:16) and "eat the wealth of the Gentiles," (61:6) while the Gentiles all become servants of the Jews, or to use Isaiah's quaint mode of expression, the Gentiles shall "stand and feed your flocks" and "be your plowmen and your vinedressers." (61:5)

Rabbi Schneerson:
"The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: 'Let us differentiate.' Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of 'let us differentiate' between totally different species. This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world."

>Rabbi Schneerson:

Schneerson explained that the passage in Chapter 49 of Hatanya [the basic book of Chabad]:

"And you have chosen us" [the Jews] means specifically that the Jewish body was chosen [by God], because a choice is thus made between outwardly similar things. The Jewish body "looks as if it were in substance similar to bodies of non-Jews,' but the meaning ... is that the bodies only seem to be similar in material substance, outward look and superficial quality. The difference of the inner quality, however, is so great that the bodies should be considered as completely different species. This is the reason why the Talmud states that there is an halachic difference in attitude about the bodies of non-Jews [as opposed to the bodies of Jews] ... 'their bodies are in vain.' ... An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness."

Schneerson explains the difference between Jews and non-Jews:

"As has been explained, an embryo is called a human being, because it has both body and soul. Thus, the difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish embryo can be understood. There is also a difference in bodies. The body of a Jewish embryo is on a higher level than is the body of a non-Jew. This is expressed in the phrase 'let us differentiate' about the body of a non-Jew, which is a totally different kind. The same difference exists in regard to the soul: the soul of a Jewish embryo is different than the soul of a non-Jewish embryo. We therefore ask: Why should a non-Jew be punished if he kills even a non-Jewish embryo while a Jew should not be punished even if he kills a Jewish embryo? The answer can be understood by [considering] the general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews." 'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth' [Genesis 1:1] means that [the heavens and the earth] were created for the sake of the Jews, who are called the 'beginning.' This means everything, all developments, all discoveries, the creation, including the 'heavens and the earth - are vanity compared to the Jews. The important things are the Jews, because they do not exist for any [other] aim; they themselves are [the divine] aim."

Schneerson explaining why non-Jews were created:

"Following from what has already been said, it can be understood why a non-Jew should be punished by death if he kills an embryo and why a Jew should not be punished by death. The difference between the embryo and a [baby that was] born is that the embryo is not a self-contained reality but rather is subsidiary; either it is subsidiary to its mother or to the reality created after birth when the [divine] purpose of its creation is then fulfilled. In its present state the purpose is still absent. A non-Jew's entire reality is only vanity. It is written, 'And the strangers shall stand and feed your flocks' [Isaiah 61:5]. The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews. Because of this a non-Jew should be punished with death if he kills an embryo, while a Jew, whose existence is most important, should not be punished with death because of something subsidiary. We should not destroy an important thing for the sake of something subsidiary. It is true that there is a prohibition against [hurting] an embryo, because it is something that will be born in the future and in a hidden form already exists. The death penalty should be implicated only when visible matters are affected; as previously noted, the embryo is merely of subsidiary importance."

who gives a fuck about whats happening to reddit.
time to go back.

Who shoopd that fukkk meats face onto a man's body?

The Jews who curate reddit see this as a good time to drum up some anti Semitism to then create a panic and need for more holocaust propaganda.

>calling a black women racist for a tweet.
i thought blacks cant be racist

This. Happens all the time. They need to look persecuted in public in order to use that as an excuse to enact hate crimes laws

ok, I'll give you that it's what they think but not necessariily what they achieve, have to add tho that it's pretty much same with many other racial based ideologies like the african movement in usa, or heck even the white supremacists are mostly just some mystery meat quadroon three fifths hispanic

Hebrew isnt a race and never was.

The word itself comes from an older word "Hebreon" which literally means "the cast off (e.g. scum)". They were a mix from the start - originating as a collective of outcasts/gypsies from various tribes/peoples.

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