Someone who knows: they are going to push DeSantis

The real reason they are going to push DeSantis over Trump going into 2024 is the former’s unquestionable track record of doing whatever his Jew masters want him to. But you say “Isn’t Trump a ZOG puppet as well”?

No, not to the extent they need him to be. Trump was an ineffectual narcissist, but he was also wildly unpredictable. He stupidly admitted in an interview that he was angry at Israel, and Netanyajew particularly, for so quickly congratulating Biden on a successfully stolen election.

ZOG can’t have someone with a grudge and who is unpredictable in office. So you will see more and more personalities on the “right” advocate strongly in favor of DeSantis as we get closer to 2024.

You’ve already seen it if you pay attention to “alt right” or “new right” (both bullshit terms. There is only the Gatekeeper Right) dipshits like Cernovich, Jesse Kelly, Pedro Gonzalez, etc. It will escalate from there, until eventually Tucker will, with all due respect, advocate on air for Trump to step aside for the younger Jewsantis.

Now you know the game on the “right”. I have no info on what the left is concretely planning.

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Trump was an actual outsider the uniparty united to take down

DeSantis is the ultimate Conservative Moderate establishment stooge

Floridafag here, DeSantis may be more genteel but he doesn't cuck and unlike Trump knows how to install loyal people. What are you worried that DeSantis will do.

If he doesn’t cuck, why is he signing anti-semitism bills? He’s not going to “do” anything. That’s the problem.

> Cernovich hands typed this post

It'll be hilarious next election when you kikes have to fraud turnout for both candidates. Tic toc vile kike filth

Hes not going to be a Bush, there will be no leftist policies (repackaged as supposedly right wing policies with some faggot faith based or compassionate conservative veneer) with DeSantis...

I don't see him starting a war either casually because the US military now sucks and can't actually win wars anymore and Russia and China aren't going to tolerate us starting proxy wars without retaliating anymore.

Keep naming the zionist and he’ll never win without a wave of 2am ballots, which will expose the conservative con and accelerate the slide to war.
Don’t sugarcoat it. Anyone who cares about optics is a fucking loser who will never rebel. Name the jew and name the golem.

>unquestionable track record of doing whatever his Jew masters want him to

That doesn't make any sense. DeSantis has pushed back against their vaccines, pushed back against their mandates, better than anyone else out there.

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I'm not anyone famous.

Trump lost me when he failed to cross the Rubicon in the 6th, he should have had himself crowned king in the ashes of the Capitol building and over the blood of his enemies in DC. I could have forgiven everything if he crossed the Rubicon and destroyed the Republic and brought in the American empire... but he cucked out.

I'd rather have Desantis than Trump. He wont spend 3/4's of the time Kvetching on Twitter. How many Jews are in Desantis's family? Is there a Jared figure?

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>Passed legislation to allow for mandatory vaccinations
>Passed legislation to ban boycotting Israel
Meanwhile Trump:
>Says Jews controlled Congress and they were right to do so
>Funds the economy through uber-kike shadow banks
Tough choice, but Trump seems the lesser of two evils. Also he makes them Kvetch more.

His children are a little too young to marry into the tribe yet. I'd put real money on it happening though.


Not true. DeSantis shut down everything. Wyoming gov actually has the best track record.

>I'm not anyone famous.

Well neither is Cernovich so you didn’t disprove my point, juden

>that op pic

it is like a zog dream team. disgusting.

Yeah you see it clearly. They both suck, but at least with Trump there’s a chance he will remember their treachery. DeSantis will do exactly what he is told, no more and no less.

>blocks your path

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There is no fucking mandatory vaccination in Florida in fact DeSantis even got Disney to backoff enforcing any Covid shit here and nobody cares what the law actually says anymore except Clarence Thomas.

I don't care about wignats and their obsession with Israel (these low IQ faggots are also all feminist and were all coronatarians too), the Israelis are all going to drop dead from deadly vax poison (which goes to show the Jesuits like Fauci and not the jews were the real conspirators all along).

Trump lost me by not crossing the Rubicon, I could forgive all else but I cannot follow a coward who could have become Caesar but refused to do it. We need to unite behind someone else.

I’m voting for DeSantis he’s knows: Keep you friends close but your enemies close.

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He shut down bars and resteraunts for a couple months and it sucked and I was pissed.

Not currently, but the legislation (S.B. 2006) which bans 'vaccine passports' does have lesser reported on emergency language.
>The state health officer, upon declaration of a public health emergency, may take actions that are necessary to protect the public health.
Some of these actions include:
>Ordering an individual to be examined, tested, vaccinated, treated, isolated, or quarantined for communicable diseases that have a significant morbidity or mortality and present a severe danger to public health.
If someone refuses they
>may be subjected to isolation or quarantine
>If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation or quarantine, if there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use ANY MEANS NECESSARY to vaccinate or treat the individual.

Also Trump was not in a reasonable position to cross the Rubicon and is certainly not a Caesar. As much as I would have liked him to. DeSantis will certainly also never do this.

>Also Trump was not in a reasonable position to cross the Rubicon

If he told his mob to stand congress and explicitly ordered under his article 2 powers for the military to stand down he could have done it and his mob would have done it, instead he gave them ambigious instructions and then told them to go home.

Have his mob hang all the Democrats in congress and pardon them pre and post emptively...

Have a loyal specops team then takeout the senile old fuck and the cameltoe as well as the San Francisco dingbat so there is no clear constitutional alternative president any would be opponents can rally around... then he is prettymuch king.

I forgot to mention, the idea everyone who took the experimental saline shot are going to die is wishful thinking. If it's true then you have no reason to even debate politics because the situation will change so radically that you won't even have to care about the current problems.
The fact that you're here even debating this makes me think you are uncertain everyone is going to start dropping dead, which is the reasonable bet.
More likely scenario is the people who took the jab (and survived the immediate side effects) will have health complications in a decade or two.

That would have definitely triggered a civil war (and subsequent international war), one that he was probably not sure of the outcome considering all the Rhinos and FBI faggots so embedded around him.
I get what you're saying friend, but I think Trump seems to respect the Republic a bit more than people give him credit for.