Red-pill me on microwave ovens

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Shit ain’t natural

Enjoy putting 5G+ into your food. It has the same frequency

Cancer machines. Stop being lazy and use a conventional oven.

There’s nothing wrong with microwaves other than they may not heat your food evenly. Also don’t put your hand inside an operating microwave, it will heat your insides and you won’t notice til the heat spreads to your skin.


Cancer is caused by having jewish DNA the cancer is what happens when the jewish cells reject God's grace and the body is unable to expel them.

The oven itself is fine, but stay the FUCK away from food that is cooked in plastic trays. Never nuke food in plastic Tupperware, styrofoam, or cling wrap. The things heated plastic leech out will disrupt your hormone balance, metabolism, or both

No it's the same frequency as WiFi - 5G is much higher frequency

Use a microwave with a rotating plate inside it and use 1/2 power level with double the time. The patience pays off: I usually don't even have to stir stuff after doing that.

Well then how come when i cooked dry macaroni in the microwave it went black, there was no water content in it how did it heat up?

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Stay away from plastic in general

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I thought all microwaves had rotating plates

every non plastic dish I have is always dirty tho

All of the ones in the last year 20 years anyway but this was not always true.

You know there's anons in here that are so cheap they still have a microwave from the 80s with analog timer knobs.

see pic related

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the new ones have a reverse mode that freezes stuff.

>vibrates water molecules
>how so?
>don't ask that ques....

It still works just fine though

microwaves are gay and pointless. Want to boil water? Use a kettle. Want to heat up pizza? Use a toaster oven. Want to heap up soup or a stew? Put it in a pot over low heat. Want to steam vegetables? Put it in a steamer over the stove.

Microwaves are only good at making your food soggy and disgusting. They can't even reheat chips properly.

ahhaha yea that would be embracing... and the knob doesn't work and you have to wait and turn it off manually...

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it's not a secret how, unless you're a nigger too dumb to even consider researching how it works

The vibrational frequencies of polar molecules like water happens to be the same frequency of microwaves. Thing of it like those stories of bridges collapsing when soldiers March across them, the bridge starts wobbling and it gets worse and worse. Vibration is equivalent to heat if you can get all molecules in a substance vibrating, so by causing vibration microwaves cause heat.

>Want to heat up pizza?
a hot cast iron skillet is best for that not a cucksoven.