Why do people not like Nick Fuentes?

He's intelligent, well-spoken and has a good sense of humor. Definitely the best right-wing political commentator of the 21st century.

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hes effective

Heathens have adverse reactions to Catholicism.


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he tries to hard to look put together and has a spic last name.
......thats about all.....peace out.

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I bet pic related can kick his ass on 1v1

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I have nothing in particular against him, just not enough of a faggot to worship a 21 year old kid

I'm trying to figure out why people liked him to begin with. His one trick was being a highschool kid who had a deepish knowledge of Irseali crap. Now he's a Man child in his 20's who never increased his knowledge.
He's trash. Always has been

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A grown man who has never kissed a girl can't be trusted.

>It starts with

One sneed
To seed and feed
It doesn't even matter how hard you seethe
Keep that in mind, I designed this shitpost to make trannies cry

>Watch them cope

Sneed is a powerful thing
Watch it get posted as the trannies all swing
From the ceiling, a hilarious thing
Trannies, jannies and niggers are all the same thing

Blown the fuck out below
Glowniggers go right out the window
Try to act smug but they didn't even know
Working for Jews just to TRY TO COOOPE

And even though they tried
One hundred gifs inside
Their chud folder
What I meant to sneed will eventually feed a memory of a time when



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i do not like him because he is an anti-Semite.

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I didn't know who he was until stop the streal. I'm 30. Not all in, but, i am a fan.

He's a discord politician who doesn't have any beliefs and just says whatever will make his discord followers give him money

hasn't come out of the closet yet to be the gay icon Moloch wants him to be

I don't care about him whatsoever. I don't find him to be particularly well-spoken though, since you mentioned that. What I've seen of him came off poorly with bad body language.

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>eceleb grifter
lmao did you watch his last debate with styx? Both were fucking retarded but especially nick. He can go live with the chinks if he loves them so much. Herbs and Spices belong in the fields.

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1) He's extremely childish. Which makes him more and more pathetic the older he gets.
2) He admits he isn't even White, yet his entire "schtick" is to try and appeal to White Nationalists. Thus...he is controlled opposition.
3) He's Catholic. Catholicism is not Christian. It's The Great Harlot, and Fuentes is just one of the whores of Mystery Babylon.....seeking the blood of the Saints.
4) No wife, no kids, and no life experiences worthwhile. There is a reason we don't allow children to vote. And ironically...the older he gets whilst still playing the game...the more pathetic he is because he will start to believe he has worthwhile life experience when he actually doesn't.
5) Being annoying is not a road to victory....unless the goal was to just marginalize the immature via controlled opposition. Encouraging failure in the guise of success. THAT is Fuentes' real goal. He's a "good goy".

Lost all respect for him when i found out that he's a virgin.

whites and conservatives are used to losing so when someone actually does something and has a chance of changing things, they get disturbed and surprised, thus they lash out

Childish and divisive. He hits some good points home but he is missing where it matters. If anyone hasn't caught on by now, we don't get out of this shitty mess with more left/right political dogshit. Unite people under the banner of opposing the financial elite and their power and you pretty effectively start to fix things. There is a reason they always destroy such efforts above all else. Focus on political differences later, they will be much more easy to get under control when you remove the puppet masters.

Frankly, it is too urgent to be crying over immigration and other shit right now, even if those topics are still important. People need to realize that a slave world dystopia is right outside the gate and that our rights and freedoms are getting trampled more and more each day. Fortunately the left and the right can both be unified under being anti financial elite because it hits both core ideas. Right wing gets their anti elite, lefties get their anti rich. This is the way forward, any other path leads to pathetic and ultimately useless fighting.

Also I do like nick, but he isn't that convincing in terms of a strong leader. Dude needs to get in the gym or something

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Because he doesn’t contribute anything besides creating a place for a few thousand angry teenage dorks desperate for there egos to be inflated by political bullshit and a sense of superiority.

>e-celeb attention whore whos base is gay white dudes and "based blacks"

Nick who?

>Catholicism is not Christian
ya okay retard, did you get that from the Bible the Catholic Church created?

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