Turns out conservatoids are not free-speech after all

Turns out conservatoids are not free-speech after all.
You scream about """cancel culture""" and tech censorship but then scream to silence scientists, educators and any politician you dislike. Disgraceful.

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Then put prayer back in school. Why only one religion is allowed to be taught?

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I actively support censoring anyone who doesn’t share my beliefs.

Why would anyone put their kids in the school system these days?
>masked up
>forced to purchase books in a government run extortion scam
>surrender the ability to influence your own kids

The entire school system is trash now. Pull your kids out of it. They would be better off apprenticing with a seal hunter in the North Pole, and less likely to kill themselves.

As far as the argument about book banning, who fucking cares in 2022. These irrational discussions are just gas lighting.

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>"noooo, you can't just heking censor our anti-white rhetoric. Censorship is only for preventing people from speaking out against the anti-white rhetoric, not to prevent it!!!"


He who pays the piper picks the tune. If teachers want to teach stuff that their employers, the taxpayers, don't want them to, then they should find new employers.

(((They))) are not conservative then by definition.

>reddit post from salon.com

Fucking faggot.

Teachers are bowing out of working in record numbers in the first place. They sure do seem to have alot to bitch about nowadays. "I can't teach kids from the comfort of my home Covid is gunna kill me waaaaah!" Fucking pussies.

Conservatives aren't even opposed to critical race theory--here's what their fotm zogbot thinks the children of his state need to know.

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the only post that matters in this thread.
Why the fuck is anyone giving any traction to this bullshit?

So on the one hand we have Zion Ron pushing the idea that jews are not a race, but on the other hand, we have Zion Don making executive orders that say the opposite. And this is exclusively our team here, we're not even talking about the left.

"If I had but one bullet and were faced by both an enemy and a traitor, I would let the traitor have it."

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>noooo you can't do the same thing to us that we did to you

nobody gives a shit about your stupid anti trump post, i just thought i would tell you that. this is about shoving shitty books down kids throats and calling them nazi's if they don't read said shitty books.

We don't want communism being taught in schools.

Simple as.

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Look up where Critical Theory came from. You won't be shocked.

Free speech only works when everyone respects it. But lefties clearly don't, so either we silence them or they silence us. I'm not gonna take the high road when it leads straight to a camp, I'm gonna do what needs to be done to preserve my nation.

It's called tit for tat sweetie.
You Demoshits don't even know what's coming.

what's wrong with jews having opinions ?
you can't argue well enough to disprove them ?

>this is about shoving shitty books down kids throats and calling them nazi's if they don't read said shitty books.
Is it? Because that's been happening as long as I've been alive, and no one has ever complained.

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Imagine being such a retard that you think you are being organic. They obviously didn't pay you much.

I imagine is a gold star winner.

Generally other jews don't like opinionated jews. Kinda why jews hate eachother.

Too many yamikas, not enough goyim.

New word for you faggots

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It's your religion Chaim

That is right, this country isn't big enough for multiple social contracts. Either you go along with nature or you take your Hobbsianism and go back to china.

Is this critical race theory the same one the Nazis had? Or have they changed the victim and oppressor round?

>as long as I've been alive
This is probably why. I'm aware the books I was forced to read were mostly trash. I read the classics by myself. This goes all the way into University now. Outside of the West cultures are still studying their classics and literature. The US has some fetish with terrible writing and forcing people to buy it AND pretending to like it at an academic level. Maus was actually just a terribly written book with good art.

Blah, blah. Fuck off.