Does going to a ghetto school redpill mid-high IQ students?

I suspect that there are many people on the Right who went to either a ghetto high school or live in a diverse area that got redpilled after realizing how bad ghetto culture/black culture is, which is obviously very liberal.
As far as IQ goes, it's clear that ghetto places are predominantly low-IQ, high in violence. Which means smart people in these areas will realize how little they have in common with these people.

Do certain environments like this make some people shift to the Right?

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Is that what american highschool girls look like? Lmao

Moved near Detroit because bro had cheap rental
Knew nigs were bad
But oh boy are they fucking bad

We had a program in our district where they would bus "inner-city" kids into our quiet suburban schools. It was extremely redpilling.

Whatever redpilling may occur is undone by that student getting a horrible education. I was a lazy fuck who got D's in high school but I'm better educated than many of my citycuck co-workers because I went to a top 10 public school in a rich suburb and not Martin Luther King College Prep on the west side of niggerville.

I can certainly see how that would be redpilling. I've seen that before and you totally see the differences in IQ and race

I went to Franklin High School in Owings Mills, MD and it was nigger central. All they would do is fight constantly and do drugs, none of them ever contributed to the class with your exceptional whiteified negroid who spoke white and was probably a haffie. I thought I had it bad but I heard rumors that Owings Mills High had an ever bigger nigger problem than we did. Any amount of niggers is too much.

Crazy that parents will send their white children to a place like that. It's just ignorance I suppose, since it was probably a good school when they were young. I'd happily move, leave my white collar career and be a plumber in the suburbs to keep my kids away from that.

Going to hood school had it's ups and downs, but it left me in the awkward position of making some really cool black friends while despising the other 90% of black students. Also I like still like rap music as an adult, I just can't help it. It was what I listened to growing up and hanging with my homies. I tried to be a rockist but I just don't relate.

Yes. I grew up in a very diverse area to the point that it made me a wigger for the majority of my adolescence. Wiggerism was the only form of White male masculinity in my area. I always treated it differently than my peers though. For me, it was more about making money than pointless trouble for the sake of amusement.

I think it adds to your perspective if you're already naturally intelligent. It provides you with a sense of "street smarts" and race realism that you won't really get elsewhere.

Checked. They did research before they moved from Long Island, and Franklin was the supposed better school, and was fed that lie from the admins. The house we had bordered on the line between Resiterstown and Owings Mills, but was technically in Owings Mills but was still able to go to Franklin. From the stories I heard from the locals, Owings Mills used to be exclusively white up until the 90s. They had a mall that used to be great and was closed due to niggers. People blamed it on Amazon, but everyone knows it was niggers hanging around making it unsavory.

It's shocking how little most parents know about the places they sent their kids.

Depends. You're trapped with nogs for years on end. You'll get jumped and robbed and nothing will happen to them. The school won't expel them because of muh school to prison pipeline. The conservatives just shrug because they don't want to deal with it, and the libs say it's your fault. A lot of my white classmates got Stockholm syndrome about nogs, but a lot got it.

Absolutely. I went to a

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If they're poor enough to know how bad it is, they don't have a choice. If they're well off enough to have a choice, they're usually insulated enough from reality to deny this is happening, or at least the magnitude of it. My parents were the latter. I learned to grin and bear it, because all that happened if I complained was a trip to the Jewish psychologist to figure out what was wrong with me.

They don't think about it because they don't have the words to describe it other than the heretic plugin identities provided by the system. But some who seek the information to understand what is happening redpill themselves. but normies will always just cope and rationalize as a survival strategy.

Bullshit. Education outside of STEM is worthless so trades are becoming more attractive. I was an underachiever at my ghetto school. I went in the military, through Afghanistan and used my GI Bill for an engineering degree. Highschool is fake and gay. All you really need is to read well and and a triple digit IQ will fill in the rest most of the time

Think Juggalos dude, an entire subculture that formed from left end of the bell curve whites trapped around places like Detroit and Chicongo.

They did the same crap to me at my school. Flinging pens and throwing shit. One of them started a fight with me because I made him look stupid in class for correcting him and it broke out in to the stairs, but he was stronger than me, so I did what any kid would do I improvised. I shifted my weight down, which caused him to fall and I just pushed him down the stairs and he tumbled all the way down. Didn't get hurt but everyone laughed at him. Yeah I know it's an everyone clapped story but I don't really care. One nigger hit me in the back of the head with a wooden board in shop class. My distain for niggers is unreal.

I grew up in a black neighborhood and went to a black. All my life the only people who have been racist to me are niggers, so I have little sympathy for them now. Maybe if I went to a white school and it were white kids constantly fucking with me I might have ended up on the opposite end of the political aisle.

That being said, I think most people never end up getting redpilled. In my school, the popular kids were a random mix. Some 4.0 nerds were very well liked, some smart ass class clowns were also very well liked. So if you’re white, you could be friends with both nerdy smart black kids and black kids who you knew would grow up to be criminals. You just sorta ignore all the retarded shit the dumb black kids did because some of your best friends were probably nerdy black kids, so it kinda counters that or whatever.

It redpilled the living shit out of me thats for sure.

I still like basketball and rap music but absolutely refuse to go places in which more than 2-3 black people may be in attendance. Specifically if alcohol is involved. I learned to never relax at about age 8.

that "ghetto school" looks pretty nice.

That's exactly how I got red pilled in the 90s.

Yeah I was one of those 4.0 "liked" nerds, you wanna know why? They want you to do their homework. There's no such thing as money for nothing nigger, wake the fuck up.

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Yes. I would not be redpilled if I did not go to a multicultural school. Fuck niggers.

Must consooom voodoo nigger music, gotta get them drugs and money niggaaaaaaa

Don't fucking lie. You wouldn't have seen this shit on the Communist News Network and thought bullshit alarm? Even the normies were laughing at this.

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Such environments turn low-IQ whites into wiggers and the higher-IQ ones into Any Forumsacks. In short, they ruin lives.

yes, the whole "ship the smart kids to the nigger 'school' to keep it from getting defunded" model is redpilling the best and brightest of the upcoming generations.

I went to a 90% white private school in a very white part of manhattan in the late 90's. There were a few public schools nearby that brought in kids from uptown. My school intentionally let out earlier than the public schools so that everyone could disperse before the nogs came out and started harassing us or trying to sell us drugs. Wiggerism was prevalent and dumb kids would often go uptown to prove their worth by hanging out in the hood and trying to establish drug connections with the hoodrats.

there was a mcdonalds nearby, and it was hood AF. One of the highest grossing locations in the country. The public schools had shit food in the cafeteria so all the nogs would line up for happy meals.

Guilianni helped keep the niggers in check. There was a truancy patrol that would leave the uniformed private school kids alone but if they saw a niglet during school hours theyd throw them in the paddywagon and take then to the tombs downtown. Outside of school hours, it was stop n frisk. In the hood, if the nypd found a white kid walking around, they'd use many different approaches to get them back downtown. intimidation, harassment, threat of arrest, confiscation of cash, etc. Sometimes a free ride home.

Anyone who lived in that era of NY knows niggers were to be avoided. they lived in semi-apartheid, and its what made NYC such a safe place for a brief moment in history.

Eventually went to college and made some "high class" black friends but didn't take long to discover they had the same predilictions towards animalistic behaviour as their ghetto counterparts. They just had the privilege of growing up in the suburbs with wealthier parents, so every time they got in trouble they got bailed out. A few now have security clearances, despite being rabid criminally minded cokeheads for years. Because diversity or whatever.

My school had a science and tech program, a large chunk of the students were fairly smart so I’m pretty sure most of them could do their own homework. The smart kids were popular because they were charismatic and good looking and fashionable. Life isn’t some Hollywood movie where everyone falls into the stereotype of smart kids = unfuckable losers.

I've never had someone on pol try to credit me for more intelligence than I stated I have myself. Bravo.

no it doesn't its pretty much just bad for their self esteem thats it. The parents should be executed for putting their kids through that.

it's really the only music promoted. the other option is boomer music. capitalist realism means there will never be a new genre of music again.

Not for me because I always hated school and being around lots of people. All it took to red pill me was seeing logical information that was rationally better than mine, and I accepted the new information because it WAS better. And it was backed up with what I could see in the real world happening all over.

I present to you, Rockwell's law;

"...the belief in black "equality" is inversely proportional to the number of Blacks living in the area." -White Power, ch 10.

I certainly wasn't fully aware of how awful blacks were until I moved to a low income/majority black town. That experience fully opened my eyes as well. Jewish lies < what you see with your own eyes.