We stand firmly with Israel

We stand firmly with Israel.

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i stand firmly (my cock that is) when watching interracial porn

imagine letting your corrupt government speak for you instead of running large scale pro-truth campaigns and exposing both israel and your corrupt government

thinking of creating a second nsdap at this point, if no one wants to do it i'll gladly volunteer

Who would've thought?

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Do it, what about that III organisation

I forgot what they're called

Oh yeah, The Third Path

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Apartheid is... LE BAD!

der dritte weg, mostly controlled opposition larpers

theyre so overt and blatant at this point if you dont get it youre literally retarded unironically

The Israeli apartheid system is far more effective than the South African one. There weren't even border walls around the bantustans.

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>We stand firmly with Israel.
You've essentially become Israel

"Apartheid? No no no. It's fairly common to regularly shoot protesters with .22lr below the knee..."

>Apartheid is... LE BAD!

its the reason you bongs lost 2 countries, have an eternal rift with the dutch & are riddled with guilt today

AAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY i see what the Germans did there


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>We stand firmly with Israel.
fight for this kek
btw isn't it funny that even tineye censors this picture?

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I am so sorry krautbros. Looks like all sense and reason has been abandonded.

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That's too bad. I'm going to make a thread on them soon, but I'm off to bed now

Death to Pissrael, death to ZOG

It's the only sensible move. You have to consider that Germany and its people have a special historic responsibility when it comes to Israel and jewish people worldwide. Israel should have expelled these so called Palestinians a long time ago, they are terrible people who attack jewish people for no reason at all, like the Nazis.

Nothing compares to the evil deeds of whites, goy. NOTHING.

You retard, the solution isn't more socialism but individualism and freedom.

Either the most brilliant satire, or pic rel.

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A regular German woman is waving at the camera, I don't get the joke (if there was one).

Are you joking? We're facing a civilisational assault on us as Europeans. This is a racial matter even if you don't want it to be. We're not going to defend against this by rejecting our identity.

Obviously satire you retard.

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