The world should look like Pokémon

Pokémon is the most beautiful philosophy of life we are not dependent on money or the state everyone aims at the life he wants scientists work by passion the world progressed because people are willing to improve the world not because they are submitted by money

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Kill yourself

Only pedophiles and children like Pokemon

Scientists do not work by passion. 95% of them do not, at least.

Scientists work because they desire esteem and riches. They want to prove to everyone they are the smartest and they eventually want to get rich, which is why most science students go into the private sector. The “noble scientist” meme is the worst meme of all time. The pharma companies selling you products are not good hearted people, they are immoral avaricious people who are full of themselves and the C-Class people is a sociopathic

Have you played the games? You make money by beating other kids. Only the strong get to have enough cash to live their dream, but the potions and Pokeballs.
Are you under the impression that the world they're in isn't driven by money for every wakes l waitress, officer Jenny etc?
Do you think they don't pay tax and rates? Do you think they get given their food for free? Who forces someone to farm to m na and that food if no one in town dreams of shoveling shit for the rest of their lives?

>You make money by beating other kids. Only the strong get to have enough cash to live their dream, but the potions and Pokeballs
it's an RPG cunt you are thinking too far into it

Niggers would be like pokemon, they used to be.

The anime is not like that

That nigga never grows up.

>The world should revolve around the sole activity of prefessional animal fights.

What did OP mean by this?

Attached: dog-fighting.jpg (639x414, 67.75K)

All towns are isolated with extremely low populations.
Traveling between towns requires crossing dangerous caves and roads filled with violent kids that want to beat you up for your money through legalized animal fighting.
Not to mention the dangerous animals running lose.

I'm responding to a retard wanting to base his world view on a kids cartoon.

Run me through how nurse Joy aquired food, and who farms it.
You child brained retard.

I agree with this memeflag

Does it matter? Nope. Now sssh shekelretard

people don't know this but zubat is in the S-Tier and you can catch him relatively early in the game.

Imagine getting put to sleep by a jigglypuff

If creatures like Pokémon existed they would be used for war. The Ayys probably have synthetic organisms that function like Pokémon already.

The modern world already is pokemon. While slaves go work. Lots of charged pikachu go spark housewives

Pokemon trainers are pirates they live outside the boundaries of normie life

Scientist usually in the past were universal men who know a bit about everything. Modern world " scientists" are specialized in one field and horse beaten to death in it but they know 0 of other field.

Just catch a pokemon that know payday and crash the economy.

U cant have a decent worldview if you arent a homo universalis. And none of the politicians today are homo universalis . (Fit to rule). Thats why some people want AI supercomputer to become king. But we all know the danger of AI ruling. So i suggest u make me captain and i promise the casualities will be. Minimal^^

arceus already works on yuzu.

I would love in the Pokemon world. If there was a way to get their and stay forever. I would. Fuck this IRL world.

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>Have you played the games? You make money by beating other kids.
It's basically nigger world