It’s over. Joe rogan to be cancelled

No more platform will host your far right conspiracy theories.
Freedom of speech does not mean the freedom to spread lies and debunked conspiracies which leads to harm

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joe rogan made me hesitate and now I have covid


More action can be taken against our senile, incompetent, and corrupt president.

I see your seething about the convoy still. Continue coping

you cant satisfy leftists, if you give them an inch, they demand a mile. That's why you should never compromise.


Freedom of speech means I can tell you to fuck off and turn to Jesus Christ, the only Son of God and Savior of Mankind. O and stop eating bats.

Joe stood up for himself really well, he'll be fine. This part was golden.

“The problem I have with the term misinformation, especially today, is that many of the things that we thought of as misinformation in just a short while ago are now accepted as fact,” he added. “Like, for instance, eight months ago, if you said ‘if you get vaccinated, you can still catch COVID and you can still spread COVID,’ you would be removed from social media. They would ban you from certain platforms. Now, that’s accepted as fact. If you said ‘I don’t think cloth masks work’ you would be banned from social media. Now, that’s openly and repeatedly stated on CNN. If you said ‘I think it’s possible that COVID-19 came from a lab’ you’d be banned from many social media platforms. Now, that’s on the cover ofNewsweek.”

>freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of speech
>black is white

Kill your self faggot.

The entire government. We must kill them all.

Is there anything more pathetic than your life?

If you read the article she says jack fucking shit about Rogan

Independent niggers tongue my fuckin anus with that clickbait faggotry

Every single one, no exceptions.

The US is an authoritarian hellhole

but i thought private companies could allow and censor whoever they wanted?
just make your own spotify, no?

oh its only when you dont agree with it, ok got it

I agree.
It’s about time they end this facade, let them declare the new form of government.
Let’s end this ridiculous pseudo democratic shit, it’s pathetic at this point.

Unironically could become a 1st Amendment case now that the whitehouse has "called for action."

I really hope this headline is not hyperbole.
Just "urging" is a violation of the first amendment, and opens the white house up to discovery and deposition by Rogan.

Rogan is now in a position to delve into white house records and expose just how much of the censorship going on in the private sector is coordinated by government, after which the floodgates open to the biggest scandal America has seen in the nation's history.

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I hope Xi and the CCP crush your cucked Hong Kong. Well, he is already doing so. Fuck you.

Can they do that?
How many laws were just broken?

please take a step back and mull this over
the US government is begging a private corporation to censor something because it's that much of a nuisance to their goals. joe rogan is so significant to a huge portion of the population that the government can't touch him. they can't suicide him at this point, that would be far too obvious, and they can't censor him as they please for the same reasons.
take a good look for a moment and see just how weak the government is.

He gets cancelled on spotify, so what? Like he can't just upload the show like a normal person into a downloadable format, like it always was.

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God damn so many people are setting themselves up for a tortious interference lawsuit. I hope Joe Rogan sues all of them if Spotify breaks his contract.

I hate to say it, but Russia is going to have such an easy time creating an insurgency in the United States when the U.S. tries to intervene in Ukraine. And our military will fold like a house of cards because the people hate this government and coastal elites more than kids want money for college.

I love how we now have a white house who actually fights disinfo and racism. its really refreshing having the adults back in charge.

Agreed, Spotify should definitely fight government misinformation

>has literal doctors and scientists on his show
>”doctors” call it misinformation and want it shut down
>now normies are on a crusade to get him removed


>spreading misinformation
So that's the new wording for "criticizing the party"

This is illegal and if I were Joe Rogan, I would sue the government. The government may not curtail free speech. It cannot pressure private companies to destroy peoples' rights.

Yes but normal guys will not have such privilege, don't you see how dangerous and crazy this is?

Damn have you guys gone all the way back to denial?

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>correcting english on a mongolian board

Absolutely correct, but being correct doesn't matter in clown world, Being in lock-step with (((their))) ideology is the only thing that matters in clown world.

This article is more about npc programming so that the drones can immediately dismiss "I was listening to Joe Rogan"

yeah. also we can't kill tyrants that's illegal

We should have never even tolerated the LGBT movement when it started in the 90s. Had we ended it, then, we wouldn't be here, now.

I like how the xiden administration is even more overboard than obummer and drumpf

>opines on impartial court cases (rittenhouse)
>opines on the affairs of private corporations

what a fucking loser