American soldier gets serious side effect from Pfizer's

It is found from DMED database.
Database shows data from the years 2016 to 2021 and 2021 shows some real difference from earlier years.

Cancers increased 300% in the vaccinated soldiers. Neurological problems for airforce pilots have also increased. Some of them aren't flying anymore, too risky.

Bells balsy and Guillauns barre have also been observed.

Attached: US-Military-Illness-on-The-Rise-Due-to-Covid-Vaccine-.jpg (700x350, 63.83K)

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>Bells balsy
what the fuck is that?

Your balls enter a state of psychosis, also known as a ‘balsy’

>safe and effective
no refunds.

We lost the war before a single shot was fired

I think more vaccines are the answer to these problems.


I think so too. The next jab will fix it. The answer is, always one more jab.

Selection bias. Every single fucking soldier is vaccinated. These numbers mean nothing.

> Cancers increased 300% in the vaccinated soldiers
That increase doesn’t differentiate between vaccine status, it’s just a general trend across the military. Which begs the question, how do you know it’s the vaccine and not covid itself?

>Which begs the question, how do you know it’s the vaccine and not covid itself?

Well have common is cancer in non vaccinated people? Lets assume everyone gets infected with covid and nobody is left without. Since it can also be without symptoms, so you dont even notice?

> how do you know it’s the vaccine and not covid itself?
The only difference is that one is airborne the other gets inoculated to you by literal Nazi . They both have the same serious side effects

God, we will never know now. If only there was a way we could have known... Now we will never be able to tell if it was the experimental gene therapy that killed all of its animal subjects, or the harmless cold thats doing this on a widespread basis.

*how common

This is your first time making a joke isn't it?

i chuckled

Temporary facial paralysis on one side, usually lasts a day

too bad but not my problem

Attached: 1641934058169.jpg (720x900, 89.26K)

>Foreigner posting about us soldiers
Kys eurofag.

Watch this from 4:52:50

No the fuck it doesn't. I've had it, it takes about 6 months to recover.

It's when ur nuts and balls turn to a brass like substance and they jingle when you walk. My great grandfather suffered from that. My grandfather told horror stories about the trauma he suffered listening to jingling coming from his parents room while muffled moans came from his mother. Really messed him up.

I had a friend that got it from vaccination and it lasted a day. 6 months sounds pretty severe