Jews seething

An insight in the jewish mind and how they view ordinary whites.


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>anti-semitism is real
>anti-whiteness is real, but justified

This is what the ordinary jew thinks. Whites deserve to be hated because look at them, look how nazi they.

Jews find themselves in the comedic situation of suddenly having to defend Christianity and white people from jewish people.

Jews historically always got btfo after they got too blatantly anti-white.
Bar Kokhba revolt, all pogroms, Weimar Germany, Bolshevik purges. You name it it always happens because kike got too full of themselves.

you might wanna read the twitter responses I think...

They have overplayed their hand so much so that the only reason why a non white would hate a jewish person is because they are "white". So now some jews are realising why casual anti-semitism is in the rise, because it's the result of anti-whiteness.

>anti whiteness is ok until it affects jews
One thing to notice is that jews don't want to completely detatch themselves from the "white people" status. They still see value in keep that narrative alive. What they're trying to do instead is to create the idea that there are 2 different types of whites. The nazis and the non nazis who happen to also be the jews. Consequentially, if y're not a white jew or ascribe to jewish values or ascribe to jewish ethics then you're clearly a white nazi. It's US vs Them. We (jews) are the good whites and THEY are the bad (nazi) whites.

Jews are "white" when convenient, and middle-eastern semites when not.
The problem is though, they are always Jews.

>are 2 different types of whites
this whoopi goldberg thing is not an incident. One could argue it was done on purpose. It creates the idea that yes, there are 2 white groups but also the natural reaction is that in that fight between these 2 groups of course the jews are the good ones, because remember the holocaust. Clearly they were the victims.

The myth of the holocaust is not that some jews died. The upgraded version that "some jews died because the bad whites wanted to harm the good whites, and in the end the good whites won the war". The good guys won because the other good guys, the british. the soviet and the Muricans helped the good guys win. Why would they help the bad guys? The paradox here is that in one instance all 3 of those empires are evil because of how much death, famine, colonialism, slavery they have caused. But sudenly they are the good guys because they helped the jews win. A particular detail about WW2 is that a lot of people believe that ww2 was about liberation the jews. That's why the Allies must be perceived as the good guys.

dont expect this thread to go anywhere bcs le based nig is the hot shit right now. But just let this be a free lecture from a random rambling user on the internet. A lot of people lose themselves in casual anti-semitic but its important to understand the psychology behind things.

A quick note here is that from a perspective of a jewish person it totally makes sense why they'd feel this way. Propaganda and brainwashing can hit them too. Jewish scripture is powerful propaganda that manages to keep jews together. They fully understand that you need to subvert your own people to help them from themselves.

Isnt this what we want? If we can get kikes to start pushing white supremacy then we will become unstoppable

>They fully understand that you need to subvert your own people to help them from themselves.
One of the main reasons why they push the opposite against whites. They constantly tell you to question yourself, question your parents, your family, your race...even your god. While teaching other groups to not do the same. Do not question your group they say, just question whitey and blame whitey. The nihilistic culture is a direct result of this practice.

>start pushing white supremacy then we will become unstoppable
relax glowie...Im not a hwite supremist. I'm merely a goy getting into philosophy and trying to understand things. No harm intended here. Just trying to de-subvert the subverted.

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There appears to be a cultural/ racial approach which they have used to prosper, some would rightly argue, in the face of overwhelming adversity. However, a poor summation of the ideology of Zionism is that- and I have been told this by someone who ought to know- is the Jewish people enter a city/ country and take all the skills/ knowledge (and I assume resources) they can back to and for the benefit of the home land. That is why they appear to work against the native population and are so often displaced, because of that overriding belief system and their loyalty to the tribe and the home land.
The solution is to ensure that all masks are dropped and we work as a cohesive whole.

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more like
>anti-whiteness is NOT real, but it SHOULD BE
jews treat it the same way nazis treat the holocaust

wrong mic. Let me explain as a jew. they (we) pushed anti whiteness too hard. You can't stop a snowball turned into a boulder. Once again we have fucked up and we (whites) will all suffer

fuck this maudlin, fake-accent (literal) faggot

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This is the new think tank tactic?
>Let's see if we can convince White nationalists that hate us that we're actually White as well
I wonder if they'll embrace the Khazar "theory" now.
I don't even know why they ever denied it. It's very strange.
Do they actually fool themselves into believing that they're actually from the Holy Land?