Ya know, he's a leftist faggot in almost every other issue...

Ya know, he's a leftist faggot in almost every other issue, butVaushactually had a really good take on gun violence and its causes.

The first 20 ish minutes is him talking about guns he wants to buy. After that some liberals keep pushing on gun control so he goes all in and calls them retards

>guns are a force multiplier, they do not cause violence, but they make it more easy and more deadly
>gun violence is primarily caused by extraneous social factors
>two biggest firearm related killers are gang violence and suicides, everything else pales in comparison
>both these problems can be mitigated or eliminated with the proper policies
>gang violence arises because there is a market for illegal narcotics in economically devastated inner cities
>these gangs fight for control of territory, and due to the nature of their business being illegal, the only way to defend themselves and their business is to use force
>ending the war on drugs would crash the drug market and do more to end gun violence than any law ever
>for suicide, the average American's understanding of mental health is like 18th century tier. A modern, affordable medical system would halve suicide rates in a year

With regards to gun control:
>there are 400 million guns in America
>it is functionally impossible to confiscate even a fraction of those
>trying to do so would cause a civil war, and in the end it still wouldn't work
>gangs traffic hundreds of millions of dollars a year in narcotics, there is nothing you can do to stop them from getting guns in a country where 400 million already exist
>long rifles account for like less than 1% of gun deaths, liberals holding up ARs as the ultimate evil is simply playing to suburban mom's fear of guns and has no basis in any actual statistics

Broken clock can be right twice a day I guess

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>Any Forums - internet entertainers

TL:DR, boomers will turn in their guns when ZOG orders them to. Muh guns is the biggest cope in all of history.


of course he wants to buy a gun
you think a pedo would want to be unable to defend himself when people come to behead him?

>ending the war on drugs would crash the drug market and do more to end gun violence than any law ever

That only happens in a free market with no government interference.

In California the Illegal Drug market is larger now than when it was illegal to have weed in the state.

Once it was legalized the state slapped on so many taxes in an attempt to make more money making the illegal drugs cheaper.

>>both these problems can be mitigated or eliminated with the proper policies
Yes, banning the demographic which commits these acts of violence will drastically decrease both the gun violence and the suicides that result from living in a broken multi-cultural society. You're welcome, America.

>and it's causes
Niggers. Its literally just that simple.

not a bad take but since he's a repulsive pedo all that wall of text is immediately discarded. I'd give him half credit if he specifically mentioned niggers.

Why do any of you retards give this stupid fucking nigger faggot any attention whatsoever

I came into this thread ready to flame you but this is surprisingly thoughtful and well written

Do yourself a favor and stop watching them, all of them are either fat, lazy, stupid or degenerate.

>Crowder is alright

That’s a lot of words, too bad I’m not readin them

>I can't maintain my attention enough to read a few sentences
Zoomers will doom us all

Not the worst take in the world, but the gun violence prevention measures that are proposed are too unifactoral in their reasoning. What is more likely, blacks end up in gangs that shoot people to protect their drug trade by happenstance or do blacks find it easier to justify violence as a means to their ends because they are inherently more violent, probably both, but this only adresses one cause.

Mini 14 is a good choice for home defense. It's very light, carbine length so maneuverable in tight spaces, 20 or 30 round mags available, and looks less threatening to the neighbors than most AR platforms.

Don't care he's a pedophile

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Except niggers will still act like niggers.
Nothing will change IQ

It's long overdue for the American left to understand how badly gun control hurts them as a political force.

>gang violence arises because there is a market for illegal narcotics in economically devastated inner cities
I heavily doubt this is the cause, what is the source for this? The Wire? I doubt those negro gangbangers are doing organized crime like that.

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forgot to add that it's action is based on the M1 Garand which most US servicemen used in WWII. Very well designed gun.