How was the atomic bomb even made?

How was the atomic bomb even made?

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Anime thighs

okay, how to make an atomic bomb with anime thighs on it?

You need to purify the uranium with centrifuges to make yellow cake and then make heavy water which takes a shit ton of energy I think.

You do a barrel roll and delete system32

based oldfag

I just put a wheel of cheese in some Gatorade and it's starting to glow gree

bbbut i don't use wingows

the truth is almost everything that this man wrote is fiction. especially the numbers he gives.

the bomb was made by bomb specialists.
everything is simple.

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By an army of whites for a jew to take the credit

It never was

Attached: Firebombing.jpg (720x446, 62K)

Its a physical impossibility.

Attached: Trinity hole.png (500x600, 208.02K)

yes i mean the jew always takes the credit cause this in fact is how it's supposed to be
we make things for others and expect others to give in return. The jews know this and assign value to our creations so that they can control it in their favor


Separate 235 from 238, and for a u bomb, simply slam two pieces together with a piston that make a critical mass when together, then boom. Plutonium bombs are far more complex and require conventional explosives to detonati in a perfect sphere, around a tritium filled ball of plutonium surrounded be a mass of uranium. Basically you just need to compress the uranium together so much it fission, and starts a self sustaining reaction of flying excess neutrons, that make the fissionable material too large of an atom to be stable, which causes it to shed even more, which keeps the cycle going, and in the case of h bombs those excess neutrons hit the tritium, causing a fusion reaction releasing even more anergy. It's actually pretty fascinating.

With stolen know-how from the U.S.
Thanks, Julius and Ethel.
You jews always come through.

Smush fertile fuel into critical mass then blam it with slow neutrons to start a chain fission reaction

Rosenbergs weren't tried for espionage, they were tried for conspiracy to commit espionage. Completely different. You also can't execute people for conspiracy.

Realize McCarthyism was an incredibly horrid time in American history.

Also, what's wrong with being a Jewish communist?

Hi, Striker!


McCarthy did nothing wrong.

Attached: die commie.jpg (600x800, 99.2K)

He was a drunken buffoon.

here is your kabbalah lesson for today

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